Where Was God?

Have you ever gone through something so devastating and painful that you look back and wonder where was God? If God was really there why didn’t He intervene? Why did He allow such tragedy take place? I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life where I’ve personally witnessed so much tragedy and pain. A godly mom, who has given her life to serving her family and others gives birth to a beautiful still born baby. Oh, the agony! They leave the hospital with empty arms, and the nursery they’d spent weeks preparing every intricate detail … empty. …


When You Don’t Know What to Say

  BETTER TOGETHER will be here before you know it! HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR TICKET YET? TODAY ONLY.. ALL TICKETS ARE $39! Chances are good that at one time or another, you have been the recipient of a well-meaning platitude or cliché. Like everyone, during different seasons of my life I struggled to grapple with certain events or circumstances. Chances are good that at one time or another, you have been the recipient of a well-meaning platitude or cliché Click To Tweet When I suffered an emotionally and physically painful miscarriage in my third month of pregnancy my angst was …


No Regrets

A few years ago, one of my dearest friends in life, Leigh Anne, lost her battle with colon cancer. When she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, where many people would make up their bucket list, Leigh Anne’s words were much different. She declared her greatest hope to be that when the journey was over, however it would end, she would be able to say that she had no spiritual regrets. A very different narrative plays out in three of the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark and Luke all share the account of the Rich Young Ruler. If you recall he …



I heard a statement once, “The same sun that melts the butter, hardens the clay.” When you’re faced with painful circumstances, does it harden you in anger and cause you to run away from the shelter of your Heavenly Father, or do you become more pliable and tend to run toward your Heavenly Father? Not long ago, I sat in tears as I listened to a dear lady tell me the she and God had their “last chat.” She was tired and weary and chose to throw in her spiritual towel. She gave up because God didn’t come through for …


What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? I’ve had more circumstances over the last five years that I’ve had no idea what to do. There were no obvious answers. No easy solutions. That’s a problem, when someone like myself, is by nature, a problem solver. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not my first response. My very first response is to process. I have to process through things. And then … my problem solving nature kicks in. And a lot of the time, I have some good, solid answers … solutions. Biblical solutions. If it’s an internal …


Abundant Life Awaits

I love the story about the little boy who heard that the circus was coming to town. Having never been to the circus, he was consumed with thoughts of going. He asked his daddy for the money to go to the circus, promising that he would finish all his chores and even do extra chores to earn the money. His daddy agreed. Finally, after a long week of hard work it was time for the circus. Barely able to contain his excitement the little boy ran all the way into town. As he approached Main Street, mesmerized by what he …


Hope Amidst Your Shattered Dreams

Ever since you were a little girl you dreamed of your prince charming … only he has yet to come and you’re wondering now if he ever will. Shattered dreams. When you got married, you meant your vows … “for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health, till death do you part.” Your marriage wasn’t perfect, as none are, but nothing could have prepared you for the day he walked out on you. Shattered dreams. You raised your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, teaching them as the Bible tells you to teach them. But …


Covering Your Kids in Prayer ~ Whether They’re Toddlers, Teens, or Adults

Have you seen the CapriSun commercial featuring the “overprotective mom?” As the commercial says, “If Paula Ebert had her way she would help her child … with everything…” I laugh everytime I see this commercial, because while it’s an exaggeration of motherhood, it reveals the secret truth of moms everywhere. Take a look.   If you’re anything like me, you want to spare your child any semblence of pain. My oldest son, Jordan still holds the record from when he was five years old, for the most gory injury at his school. He and his buddies were playing tag on …


Spray Paint, Vandals and Mercy, oh My!

The reigning champ of getting my two year old daughter to stay down for her nap, I was savoring the taste of sweet victory as I plunked myself down on my comfy leather couch. I inhaled a deep sigh of relief, ready to enjoy a much anticipated respite. My sigh of relief; however, was quickly interrupted by an eerie silence that seemed to suddenly settle into our home. Careful to not wake up my daughter, I quietly called out to my boys.  Jordan? Jake? There was no answer.   I made my way through the house, checking every room and their known …


A Tough Kind of Love

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. –Galatians 6:7 One of the most difficult facets of parenting is found in moments of having to demonstrate tough love. One such form of tough love is in allowing our children to take full responsibility for their actions, including any consequences that ensue. As a mom, it is often much easier to jump in and run interference or make excuses for our child’s behavior than it is to allow him or her to go through the pain of the consequences. It starts …
