Living Abundantly in Christ

As Christians our hearts are supposed to be at peace, and we are to be a light to others for God in this dark world; we are to live abundant and joyful lives free of fear. If you are living this way, then you have great faith and are living as Christ’s example to the world. We all need to learn the tools to live close to Christ, and we can find these answers in the Bible. But what about all of us who are saved, yet struggle to walk in peace and joy on a daily basis? When the …


5 Steps to Living a Joy-Filled Life

Why can’t you spot a Christian on the sidewalk out of the crowd? Should we be able to tell a Christian from a non-Christian? We all want to experience the joy of an abundant life that scripture talks about living. But why do most Christians look like everyone else? Because we are missing the secret to living an abundant life… capturing the joy and peace of living in Christ Jesus. I remember one day a few years back, I was at the airport waiting to catch my plane. I was people watching of course,  and I saw this woman who looked to be in her sixties sitting …


Abundant Life Awaits

I love the story about the little boy who heard that the circus was coming to town. Having never been to the circus, he was consumed with thoughts of going. He asked his daddy for the money to go to the circus, promising that he would finish all his chores and even do extra chores to earn the money. His daddy agreed. Finally, after a long week of hard work it was time for the circus. Barely able to contain his excitement the little boy ran all the way into town. As he approached Main Street, mesmerized by what he …
