Abundant Life Awaits

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Abundant Life Awaits

I love the story about the little boy who heard that the circus was coming to town. Having never been to the circus, he was consumed with thoughts of going.

He asked his daddy for the money to go to the circus, promising that he would finish all his chores and even do extra chores to earn the money. His daddy agreed. Finally, after a long week of hard work it was time for the circus. Barely able to contain his excitement the little boy ran all the way into town. As he approached Main Street, mesmerized by what he saw, he stopped in his tracks to take it all in. 

The elephants and tigers, acrobats and unicyclists. The tiny monkeys dressed in doll clothes and the hilarious clowns. It was the most magnificent thing he’d ever seen. Toward the end of the procession two clowns stopped and performed in front of him. As they passed by, noticing his excitement, one of the clowns walked up to high five the little boy. The little boy quickly pulled out his hard earned money and handed it to the clown. The clown put the money in his pocket and continued down Main Street.

The little boy turned and ran all the way home, elated from all that he had just experienced.

What the little boy didn’t realize is, he had only seen the parade. He hadn’t even been to the circus, the main event. 

As Christians, I wonder how many of us spend our time enjoying the parade … the good things. And we miss out on the main event … the best. It’s the difference between life and abundant life. Jesus came to give us abundant life. He never intended for us to simply enjoy the parade. He desires for us to take our seat on the front row at the main event … experiencing the abundance of His love, His power, His healing, an unspeakable joy and a peace that passes all understanding. It’s our inheritance as daughters of the King 

You may be saying to yourself, or even yelling into the computer, “That sounds all well and fine! But HOW do I get there?” 

The most transforming moment in my life was when I finally grasped how to walk in the truth of my inheritance as a daughter of the King. For decades, I allowed my mind to be consumed with lies. I believed that I was unloveable and worthless, living in shame from unthinkable abuse. I was sure that I deserved to be abandoned by my birth father and rejected or abused by every person who was charged with the responsibility to care for me after my mom died. There had to be something wrong with me. After all, 100% of the people couldn’t be wrong, could they? 

I knew God, and I knew His Word pretty well. But, intellectually knowing God was not enough. It wasn’t until I took my knowledge of God to heart and allowed Truth to replace the lies, that I was finally free. And, the healing from all the brokenness in my life began.

Our minds cannot tell the difference between a lie and truth. We will believe, react and respond to whatever we tell ourselves. If we tell ourselves we are not lovable, we will react as though we are unlovable. If we tell ourselves we are a failure, we will respond as a failure. If we tell ourselves there is no hope. We will live in our hopelessness.

The moment a lie enters our mind, we must immediately take it captive. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Do not allow it to take root! And immediately replace the lie with truth. This is a spiritual discipline that will absolutely transform your life. 

Remind yourself often of the truth of your inheritance in Christ. Proclaim these truths out loud:

I am a child of the King! I am loved! I am redeemed! I am treasured! I am complete in Him! I am forgiven! I am not condemned! I am blameless. I am chosen and accepted!  

You have unlimited access to HIS power, and it is this power that enables you to walk in your inheritance and in truth. Walking in truth will make the difference between life and abundant life. And … abundant life is all yours if you choose to walk in the power of truth.

 By: Shelly Brown

Stephanie Shott
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