Children Are a Blessing: Psalm 127:3

  Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. (Psalm 127:3 NIV)  Make no mistake, children are a gift to us from our Lord Jesus Christ. Children are created by God, and he blesses us with them. They are not just gifts, but precious rewards hand picked and created by God. So Moms, the next time you are tired and run down from a crazy, busy week, remember not to take it out on your precious little gift from God. Slow down, take a few minutes for yourself (even if it’s in the bathroom because that’s the only time …


10 Safety Precautions for New Parents

With all of the information we receive related to disease, safety standards, defects, and science, it’s hard not to succumb to the virus of paranoid parenting. Ten minutes scanning Facebook can leave us hyperventilating over the latest stomach bugs, unexplained illnesses, and freak accidents. No mom wants to end up as a featured story on Dateline or 20/20 as the parent who wasn’t careful. What perspective do we need to be responsible, but relaxed, in caring for the treasure of our children? Safety is all about being thoughtful and practical. Be THOUGHTFUL Structure of baby’s home: Is the paint safe? Are …

Every heart is Expectant

Expectant devotions for new and expectant moms

How far is the distance between your parenting expectations  and your reality? Becoming a mom has a way of surpassing and squashing our expectations at the same time. It’s a weird and wonderful thing, this journey of growing into a mama. For those just starting out, it helps to have a guide for growing your own life while growing your family. EXPECTANT, 40 devotions for new and expectant moms, is that guide. Whether we join the adventure biologically or through adoption, experience has a way of changing our expectations. Honest moms who can remember will admit to announcing they would …

5 Ways to Support the Grieving

5 Ways to Support the Grieving

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Men and women all over the world light candles at 7 PM in memory of the babies they have lost to miscarriage, still birth, or infant death. In light of this special day’s approach next week, I wanted to share with you five ways to encourage someone who is grieving.  Because my husband and I have lost four babies to miscarriage, people often come to me after a friend loses a baby and ask, “How can I help?” They want to do something, but don’t know what would be most helpful.  …


What to do about your stretch marks

Before we get into today’s post, we want to share with you that Stephanie Shott is sharing her testimony today on The 700 Club! If you know someone who has struggled with abuse, rape, brokenness, are in a difficult marriage or struggle in their quest to know God, PLEASE be sure to have them watch The 700 Club at 9:30 a.m. (ET) on ABC Family Channel. Jesus really does change everything and Stephanie’s desire is that God will use it to speak hope into those who are watching. And here’s a link to the interview if you didn’t catch it …


A Story Like Yours… or Maybe Not ~ But a God Who Makes Beauty Out of Ashes…OH…and a Conference You Just Can’t Miss!

Hey you. Yeah. You! The one who may have had a rough day, a bad past, or are feeling a little lost in this great big wide world. I want to share a bit of my heart with you about what God has brought me from and what God has brought me to. It’s not a rags to riches story…but is is beauty from ashes story. It’s a story about a girl…a girl whose story might be like yours…or maybe not. But it’s about a God who is really good at making beauty out of ashes. It’s a story about …


Even Moms Need More Sleep

 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. Genesis 2:2 ESV She’s here, she’s there, she’s everywhere. You’re the mom, which means you are always on the go: groceries, diapers, and carlines are a part of your everyday world and somewhere in the chaos of it all we’ve bought into the lie that we’ve got to be some kind of supermom.  You know, faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than…oh, who are we kidding, we’re not super mom, nor should …


Freezer Waffle Recipes (plus other freeze ahead breakfast ideas)

Mornings… SIGH. I am so not a morning person, I used to be before I had kids. This means I’m not exactly awake in the mornings, not to mention the challenge to get everyone out the door (on time!) to work and school makes for an interesting morning. This means I need to find ways to save time and still serve my kids a healthy breakfast. Freezer waffles are the perfect solution. You can make large batches ahead of time. Then in the morning, grab the desired amount of waffles and place in your toaster or oven. Viola! Breakfast is …


EXCITING NEWS from The M.O.M. Initiative for YOU!

It was in a gas station parking lot when the vision for The M.O.M. Initiative and The Making of a Mom was conceived. As I sat and watched a very pregnant teen girl walk by and light up a cigarette, I reflected on my teen pregnancy and how motherhood was like a messy experiment for me and how my kids ended up being the guinea pigs. And how I thought I was ready but didn’t have a clue. I couldn’t help but wonder if she understood the significance of her newfound roll. Did she understand that everything she now did would affect …


Becoming Momma K

  I’m already “mom”.  Thanks to my daughter and son-in-love, I will be Momma K! The richness of the blessing of a grand son is beyond words in description. Often times words cannot convey what the heart feels. Conversation about how much we want to bless this little guy is regular between my husband and I. With sparkling eyes, the younger aunts and uncles make plans for play time with their nephew. I pray that God will bless me with a rich relationship with our grand son. Becoming Momma K is helping me become mom all over again. I’m seeing …
