For Those Out-Side-the-Box Thinkers Who Want to Change the World

Psssst! You! The one whose every heartbeat rushes world-changing blood through your veins. The one who doesn’t just think outside the box but doesn’t even believe there is one!  You and I are a lot alike and I LOVE swirling ideas, plans, and projects around with you for the intentional and strategic purpose of reaching people for Christ. I love outside-the-box thinkers! Especially when it comes to evangelism! At The MOM Initiative, we don’t have a box either. Today, I want to share 14 ways you can think outside your own box and connect with The MOM Initiative to reach …


When You Discover Your Place in This World Is to Change It

What if? It’s a question each of us has to ask ourselves. What if I’m here for more than what I’m doing? More than what I think? What if I’m here for a purpose beyond  my wildest dreams?  What if I’m missing the point of my existence? What if God wants to use me to affect change? A serious look at Scripture reveals that God calls us to MORE than just status quo Christianity… He calls us to change the world! God calls us to MORE than just status quo Christianity… He calls us to change the world! @themominitiativ Click …


Wonder If Mentoring Matters & How YOU Can Make a Difference?

Have you ever wanted to start a Titus 2 ministry but you weren’t sure how?  Perhaps you have tried to use material that may work for some churches but your church or ministry has a very different volunteer base, skill set, and logistics than where you’ve seen it work before. The MOM Initiative is here to help YOU tailor a Titus 2 Mentoring Ministry specifically for YOUR church and to help you reach out in YOUR community in a very unique way through mentoring moms both inside your church and in your community. We make mentoring moms easy and missional. …


Exciting News & FREE Resources for YOU!

Whooohooo! We have some exciting news for all of you! In January, M.O.M. Groups are launching online and across the globe…AND, we are accepting applications for NEW M.O.M. GROUP LEADERS and NEW M.O.M. GROUP REPRESENTATIVES/SPEAKERS! AND…we are working on a date to hold a training webinar for all who join! If you have been trying to begin or expand a mentoring ministry in your CHURCH and/or COMMUNITY, or on the MISSION FIELD, The M.O.M. Initiative is here to help you do just that!  If you’re a mom who is looking for a mentor, that means more M.O.M. Groups are coming …


Because Moms of All Ages Need Each Other

Ever feel inadequate as a mom? Ever wondered why the mom you thought you would be – the mom you wanted to be – was very different from you are? Motherhood is so fluid. Just when you feel like you get one stage down, they grow up a little and everything changes and then you’re left wondering what to do next. Ever felt like that? Me too!  That’s one of the reasons I wrote The Making of a Mom! Because I don’t think any mom should have to go it alone and I don’t think any mom should feel like a bad day …


A Story Like Yours… or Maybe Not ~ But a God Who Makes Beauty Out of Ashes…OH…and a Conference You Just Can’t Miss!

Hey you. Yeah. You! The one who may have had a rough day, a bad past, or are feeling a little lost in this great big wide world. I want to share a bit of my heart with you about what God has brought me from and what God has brought me to. It’s not a rags to riches story…but is is beauty from ashes story. It’s a story about a girl…a girl whose story might be like yours…or maybe not. But it’s about a God who is really good at making beauty out of ashes. It’s a story about …


Which One Do You Like Best?

 Sooooo… I received the videos for the book trailer for The Making of a Mom and would LOVE YOUR OPINION! Could you help me decide which of the videos I need to use on the website? If so, I’d love to know…  Which one do you like best? And why? Are you a ministry leader? Or a mom?  What would you add or what would you like to know more about The Making of a Mom?   Please click this link if you are unable to view the video.   Please click this link if you are unable to view the …


Save the Date for the 2014 M.O.M. Conference ~ Better Together

We are SO EXCITED to share with you that the 2014 M.O.M. Conference ~ BETTER TOGETHER is scheduled for July 31st – August 2nd, in Jacksonville, Florida at Trinity Baptist Church!   IT’S COMING! A fun, encouraging, challenging and inspiring conference for MOMS, MENTORS and MINISTRY LEADERS where you can find solid biblical teaching, enjoying connecting with and laughing with old and new friends, and leave empowered to fulfill your God-given calling and with the confidence of knowing you don’t have to take your mom journey alone. As we work hard to make all the information available for you on our website, we wanted …
