
10 Safety Precautions for New Parents

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With all of the information we receive related to disease, safety standards, defects, and science, it’s hard not to succumb to the virus of paranoid parenting. Ten minutes scanning Facebook can leave us hyperventilating over the latest stomach bugs, unexplained illnesses, and freak accidents. No mom wants to end up as a featured story on Dateline or 20/20 as the parent who wasn’t careful. What perspective do we need to be responsible, but relaxed, in caring for the treasure of our children? Safety is all about being thoughtful and practical.



  1. Structure of baby’s home: Is the paint safe? Are cords out of the way & electrical outlets covered?
  2. Small parts: Begin new patterns of putting away coins, keys, & small technology.
  3. Substance storage: Store medical & cleaning supplies up high & in secure containers.
  4. Sleep environment: Check sleeping furniture & bedding for adherence to current safety standards.
  5. Simplifying overall: Minimize the number of bags you carry with baby supplies. Less is more, keeping your hands & mind free to be available & aware.


  1. Travel: Seat belts should work well, cars should be outfitted with emergency supplies, & parents should practice car seat installation before contractions begin.
  2. Resources: Make a list of key providers & sources before you’re sleep deprived. Include the doctor’s office, poison control, & nearest pharmacy.
  3. Habits: Honestly assess your personal practices regarding technology & social media. Begin to shift your habits away from over attending to tech.
  4. Opportunity: Your little one needs real environments to learn life lessons, so avoid the urge to create a sterile, prohibitive setting that over-protects your baby.
  5. Mentoring: Ask God to give you a mentor who can offer real life encouragement about caring for your little one.

You don’t need to be paranoid to care for your bundle of joy. Be thoughtful and practical, and baby will be safe.

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For more inspiration, encouragement, and practical advice about preparing for a newborn or adjusting to life with baby, check out EXPECTANT: 40 devotions for new and expectant moms.

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Julie Sanders