Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you really know who you are? Perhaps you have been walking through life with your head down and your tail tucked because you’re carrying guilt and shame from your past. Guilt and shame from things you have done. Guilt and shame from what others have done to you. You’re condemning yourself and you’re allowing the enemy of your soul and the wicked whispers of others to condemn you. When others talk about you, you feel like they are saying… Oh her? She’s the girl who was put in jail!  She’s the girl who had an abortion!  She’s the girl …


Uncover Your Hidden Beauty

In a world where high fashion reigns and beauty is skin deep, moms can sometimes be left feeling INADEQUATE. As we walk down every grocery store and pharmacy aisle, we are bombarded with products, pictures and items that make us want to look better, skinnier and prettier. All that pressure to look our best can really be a blow to the ego. How do we resist the temptation to focus on how we look on the outside?  It’s simple, but not always easy–focus on our inner spirit and who God says we are. God wants us to concentrate on who we are in …


What to do about your stretch marks

Before we get into today’s post, we want to share with you that Stephanie Shott is sharing her testimony today on The 700 Club! If you know someone who has struggled with abuse, rape, brokenness, are in a difficult marriage or struggle in their quest to know God, PLEASE be sure to have them watch The 700 Club at 9:30 a.m. (ET) on ABC Family Channel. Jesus really does change everything and Stephanie’s desire is that God will use it to speak hope into those who are watching. And here’s a link to the interview if you didn’t catch it …
