Come Away With Me

Every week or so, I feel a strong tug on my heart, a prompting from the Lord, to COME and GET AWAY with Him for awhile.  I may be dropping my kids off at school in the morning (it may have taken 14 years, but we are finally out of the baby/toddler/preschool stage!), and I hear His voice, quietly beckoning me to come on a walk with Him. So I do!  I grab my journal and Bible (and camera!)—sometimes even buy a nice cup of coffee for the time—and I drive to a nearby park called Fox Run.  It is …


Changing Your Point Of View

Do know you moms who are currently avoiding their children? There’s no shame in it, because sometimes, I feel that way too.  Most tell me, “I don’t understand how you can stay home, you have a college education, loans up the wazoo and there are plenty of good daycares in town.” I smile while biting my tongue. Only because I used to be one of them, actually I was hungry to prove to the world that I could do it all. After going back and forth about staying home, God planted my rear within the confines of my home, telling me this …
