Changing Your Point Of View

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Do know you moms who are currently avoiding their children? There’s no shame in it, because sometimes, I feel that way too.  Most tell me, “I don’t understand how you can stay home, you have a college education, loans up the wazoo and there are plenty of good daycares in town.”

I smile while biting my tongue. Only because I used to be one of them, actually I was hungry to prove to the world that I could do it all. After going back and forth about staying home, God planted my rear within the confines of my home, telling me this is where He wanted me.

A few months later, I was ankle-deep in dirty diapers and laundry piles. Having two children in two years, on top of caring for a special needs child put me over the edge. There were days when I never changed out of my pajama’s, the house was a mess, and I was feeling irritable, overwhelmed, and tired. Ill-tempered didn’t even begin to describe my mood.

Do you feel that way? Don’t give up, God changed my heart and perspective.  God created you with everything you need to survive and even flourish in the early years of mothering. If you’re feeling burned out, a bowl of your favorite comfort food, a hot bath, and a decent night’s sleep should get you feeling better.

In the meantime, here’s a few tips to get through those hectic days:

Regain Your Perspective

A mama who is focused on the loads of laundry, crumbs, clutter is one who is fixing herself up for a mental breakdown (believe me I’ve been there, imagine me sitting on the floor, bawling my eyes out because there are fifty loads of laundry and my son peed on them). We are the chauffeur, maid, chef, babysitter, and disciplinarian–but these are minor details in the midst of motherhood. If we focus on these areas of motherhood, we’re going to want out. Yes, those chores must be done, but it’s not the sum of who we are. Focus on why you became a mother in the first place. Focus on the greater purpose of mothering, not the little details (besides we have closets for that mess right?).

Focus On The Bigger Picture.

Why do I stay home with my kids?

1. It’s where God called me.

2. I want teach values, morals, that reflect what is most important me. No one else can do that, no one else can take my place.

3. I want to be there for all of life’s important milestones, first words, first steps, learning to ride a bike, accepting Jesus in their hearts, and learning hard lessons along with their pain. No one else can coach, counsel, or take my place.

4. I want my children to look back on their childhood with warmth and love. No one else can do that for my children (which reminds me, I need to run to the store so I can make cookies for after school this week–sorry, back to the point.)

5. I want to know my children inside and out. I want to be able to direct them on the path God has called them to. No one else can do that. Only I can see and encourage their God-given potential and purpose.

When the days are overwhelming and hectic, I think of my orignal reasons for staying home. Then I whisper to God to give me His perspective on the days events. Most of the time, as I review it with Him, I find myself laughing over the worst moments. Take a moment and remember Proverbs 31:28, Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her. Then look out on your front porch, breath in, and remember the bigger picture of motherhood.

Stephanie Shott
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