Simple Mentoring – You Can Do It!

Do you have that “older woman” who touches your life deeply, without much fan fare or notice to the rest of the world? I remember her well; her name was Connie. She was the “older women” in our women’s group at the small church I attended in West Virginia over a dozen years ago. Older meant she was in her late 40’s, while the rest of us were in our 20’s and 30’s. Older meant that she had teen children, while we had babies and toddlers. Older meant that because she wasn’t in constant “mom motion” she was able to …


Are you an Angela? Can you mentor?

Written by Heather Riggleman, Author of Mama Needs A Time Out Several years ago, a girl wandered into an old downtown theater. She had been beaten down in life by poor choices and circumstances. Her young daughter and husband were threads holding her together and even then, it wasn’t enough to keep her from trying it end all again. But something had happened a few weeks before; in an emergency room as she was strapped to a hospital bed where she heard the voice of God. Since then she had been searching to encounter him again.  The front had been converted …


How To Find A Mentor

Over the years I have received letters, and have heard young women express, that they have a hard time finding older women who will take the time to spend time/mentor them. I understand where these women are coming from. For years I was in that very situation. I longed for someone to take on that role and found that many older women were too busy or didn’t understand their role biblically.   As I look back, I can see how God provided mentors for me in different ways. It wasn’t always in the way I would have liked, but I …


A Letter to Younger Women

BEFORE WE DIVE INTO TODAY’S POST, WE WANT TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNER OF RENEWED BY LUCILLE ZIMMERMAN…. CONGRATULATIONS GOES TO LEANNE THORNTON! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Younger Women,I am so thankful that God has brought you into my life.  I love our times together, and cherish each moment we have. As we walk this journey together, there are things you need to know.  I’d like take a few minutes to share some things with you: Just because I am older, does not mean I have it all together.  I am learning and growing too. Please don’t put me on a pedestal or …


M.O.M. Mentor Group News

Have you started a M.O.M. Mentor Group in your area yet? Is your church looking for a way to start a mentoring ministry and isn’t sure where to begin? We can help! The M.O.M. Initiative is a ministry that exists to help the body of Christ not only establish effective mentoring ministries within the four walls of the church, but to also make mentoring intentionally missional and to impact the community around them. If we reach the moms of this generation, we will reach the children of the next generation. If we don’t, we will lose them all. Through our …


Dear God, He’s Home!

Today I birthed a baby—no not a real baby—but my seventeenth book, Dear God, He’s Home! A Woman’s Guide to Her Stay-at-Home Man, releases March 5th and the process of writing and getting a book published usually takes longer than 9 months and the labor pains go on and on…. But just like when you look into the face of your beautiful baby for the first time, when my “baby” arrived on my doorstep and I held it in my hands, all the stress of long writing days, late nights, deadlines, edits, selecting a cover and a name all faded …


Dancing with Nana

  By Guest: Michelle Lazurek   “Nana, do you know how to dance?” At age seven, I longed to glide gracefully across a dance floor and envisioned myself doing so in a long, flowing dress. She chuckled to herself and answered, “We moved a little differently than you kids do today, but all dancing begins with a few basic steps.” “Can you show me? Please?” I knew Nana, one of the most important people in my life, would never refuse my request. Because she lived in the adjacent house, I spent more time with her than just about anyone. I …


5 Types of Mentees That Drive Mentors Crazy & 1 MORE GIVEAWAY & SIGN UP to LEAD A M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP

We had a GREAT TIME with Lisa Shaw on her radio show, The Whole Woman, yesterday! If you weren’t able to join us, you can click the link, pop over and take a listen now.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND THE WINNERS OF YESTERDAY’S GIVEAWAYS ARE… Understanding What Matters Most by Stephanie Shott ~ Jenn  $50 gift card to Artfire shop ~( ~ Rebecca (a new email subscriber)   AND DON’T FORGET… OVERWHELMED  is NOW available for ALL subscribers! BUT you can also SIGN UP to START a M.O.M. INITIATIVE MENTOR GROUP IN YOUR AREA. CLICK HERE and let THE MENTORING BEGIN!   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND…HERE IS TODAY’S GIVEAWAY… (ENTER TO WIN TODAY’S GIVEAWAY BY …


Begin a M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group In Your Area

YOU CAN GET OVERWHELMED FREE BY SUBSCRIBING TO OUR WEBSITE. IT’S OUR GIFT TO YOU…THE OVERWHELMED MOM. But it is also our gift to the body of Christ in our quest to help the church of the Living God make mentoring intentionally missional. You can join others around the world and begin A M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group in your area and use Overwhelmed as a FREE resource to mentor another mother. NOW, more than ever, moms need mentoring mommas who are willing to share the gift of themselves!   JOIN THE REVOLUTION OF WOMEN WHO ARE READY AND WILLING TO …


Help Lead an OVERWHELMED Study & Begin a M.O.M. Initiative Group In Your Church or Ministry

The emails keep coming… “I would love, love, love to be a mentor! How do I go about it?” I would like to know how I can go about signing up for a mentor. I am a single mom and would love to have a mentor. “Do you have groups that meet in churches and if so how would we go about opening ours to do that?” “What an amazing, wonderful, idea I sure wish something like this had been around when I younger. I am a grandma to 10 and mother to 4. Please let me know what I do next. God bless you …
