M.O.M. Mentor Group News

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Overwhelmed_3D_ClearHave you started a M.O.M. Mentor Group in your area yet?

Is your church looking for a way to start a mentoring ministry and isn’t sure where to begin?

We can help!

The M.O.M. Initiative is a ministry that exists to help the body of Christ not only establish effective mentoring ministries within the four walls of the church, but to also make mentoring intentionally missional and to impact the community around them.

If we reach the moms of this generation, we will reach the children of the next generation. If we don’t, we will lose them all.

Through our FREE PDF’s Facing our Fears and Overwhelmed, we have provided a 6 week experience with 31 stories from real moms who have walked in the shoes of the fearful and overwhelmed mom and found hope, healing and victory through walking with God and applying biblical truths to everyday life.

In Overwhelmed ~ 31 Stories from M.O.M., they share their stories.

Facing Our Fears ~ 31 Stories from M.O.M., Overwhelmed give mentors the tools, the confidence and the support they need to boldly step into their Titus 2 shoes and nurture those mentor/mentee relationships.

THIS IS OUR GENERATION to make a difference for such a time as this..

SIGN UP TODAY and you will receive Overwhelmed ~ 31 Stories from M.O.M. when it comes out on January 7th.

In Overwhelmed, each story includes reflective questions specifically designed to serve as conversation prompts and help foster the mentor/mentee relationship as you navigate the life of an overwhelmed mom together.

Here’s a brief look at what a mentoring ministry might look like for you:

  • Schedule a time and place to meet weekly for six weeks.
  • You and the mentee will read through 5 stories each week and be prepared when you meet together each week.
  • As a mentor, you can rest in knowing, this biblically-based resource includes questions at the end of each story that are specifically designed to be a catalyst for conversation. This will give you, as a mentor, the confidence to know you won’t have to worry about that awkward silence that would normally leave you scrambling for something to say.
  • The questions are also written to help you, as a mentor, reflect on your own story and share your failures as well as your successes with the kind of sincere transparency that will assure your mentee that she is not alone and that her mentor isn’t Pinterest perfect either.
  • Your time together is a tool to nurture a relationship that will hopefully last long past the book.

Need some ideas as to where you can become intentionally missional about mentoring?

Churches, para-minisitries, MOPS groups, MOMS Club International and individuals can use Overwhelmed as a mentoring tool to not only mentor moms within the church, but to go beyond her four walls and minister to moms in low income apartment complexes, neighborhoods, crisis pregnancy centers, homeless shelters, juvenile shelters and wherever moms can be found.


From a mentor, “We LOVE it! It’s makes it so easy to spend time with young moms and meet them where they are!”

From a mentor, “The stories help us relate to the moms and the questions at the end of each story help give us the confidence to mentor.”

From a mentor, “We started using Overwhelmed and have found the questions make mentoring easy.”

From a mentor, “”We will be doing the Overwhelmed during the Summer. Just today my sister-in-law called me in tears. I pointed her to the web-site and she said this is exactly what she has been needing and is not something she can get from her church. Thank you and your team for putting yourselves out there for Christ.”

From a mom, “I don’t feel like I’m the only mom going through what I’m going through. This is exactly what I needed!”

From a mentor in Indonesia, “Thank you so much for the books/PDF you’ve sent me! I am so happy receiving it. Thanks also for the permission to make copies. I also want to ask you for the permission to translate it to our language which is Indonesian.Indonesia has the 3rd largest population in the world and only 5 % are Christians.”

BEGIN a M.O.M. Initiative Mentor Group in your area and begin to change the world, one mom at a time!

If you would like someone to come share how to start a M.O.M. Mentor Group in your church or if you are looking for a speaker to encourage mentoring, please check out our “Book a M.O.M. to Speak” page or email Stephanie at stephanies@themominitiative.com.

We’d love to hear from you! Any questions? Comments? And if you’ve started a M.O.M. Mentor Group, we’d love to hear your story!

By: Stephanie Shott

Stephanie Shott
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