26 Fun Bible Crafts

 “What are you doing, Mommy?”  “Wait there until I finish getting everything ready!”  Eyes widen as your kids wonder why you are making a mess by placing flip flops, sandals, boots, and Crocks  in a squiggly line throughout the house. “Has mom lost her mind,” they wonder.  “Just one more minute,” you call as you place a the “Follow Me” printable (below), a favorite summer treat, their Bible, and crayons on the kitchen table. “Now you can come! Welcome to KIDZ TIME!” you greet them with a big smile and hug.  “Today, our Kidz Time Bible verse is: FOLLOW ME Matthew …



What’s 27 years old and still building kids for the kingdom?  On the left – my children when they were 3 and 5.  Above, is that little girl’s son; our grandson.  AND, we’re still using Kidz Time, an easy, fun devotional activity to teach them about God. Rather than despair over the command to “train up a child in the way he will go,” follow these simple Kidz Time Tips when sharing Jesus wi your children in the word of God.  Following is a KIDZ TIME devotional you can do with your children.   Print the lamb (or enlarge it first), …



Lord, what is the greatest gift I can give my children? I prayed that prayer 27 years ago. GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYER FOR MY CHILDREN. How did God reply to my prayer? He softly spoke to my heart, “The discipline to run to ME first thing every morning. That way I can always take care of them.”                                               As I continued praying, I asked, “Lord, how can I get my 3 and 5 year old want to read their …
