Today…Give 5 Away!

Jesus comes for a visit. He walks through your front door. You’re overwhelmed by His glorious presence.   He sits at your table. You offer Him water; feeling silly as you do; since He’s Living water. He asks to see your children who are playing in the next room. As you enter, a sense of embarrassment consumes you. Not because of their rowdy playing; but because of the number of toys stuffed in toy bins and covering the floor; the toys they no longer play with that you’d intended to give to the less fortunate before Christmas. Your children run into Jesus’s arms. He blesses them; then …


Will You Give Today? (An Amazing Opportunity to Help Us Reach a MILLION MOMs for Christ & Partner with Churches and Organizations Around the World)

We know that Jesus changes everything. And we know that God’s Word holds the answer to the questions of every heart. We also know that if we reach the moms of this generation, we can reach the heart of the next generation. A MILLION MOMs is our goal MOM Groups is our tool The CHURCH is our partner The MOM Initiative is a 501(C)3 that rely on the support of God’s people to help us reach moms for Christ, to reach their children for Christ, and to minister to moms who know Christ. In 2015… Moms in 30 states and …
