Addicted to Instantaneous

What does instantaneous mean? That one is easy, isn’t it? It means an infinitesimal or very short space of time, a moment. It means fast. Quick. Accelerated. Snappy. Pronto. Rapid. Swift. Hurried. Lickety split. Infers easy. Cinch. Effortless. No bother. Smooth. Uncomplicated. Painless. Simple. We are a nation addicted to instantaneous and easy. We cannot wait for something to happen, so we have things to ease our schedules, like… *self-serve *microwave *drive-thru service *instant internet search *cell phones and texting In a hurry to do other things, we use… *instant soup *express lanes *frozen dinners *instant oatmeal *online shopping *instant …


Drop Everything

Shhh! I’m supposed to be in bed–sleeping. But I volunteered to write a devotional to encourage your heart today, in fact, it was supposed to be a video. Instead, I have some sort of stomach bug and let me tell you how tired my eyes are. I had plans to record a video, edit my latest manuscript, scrape paint off my garage door trim but instead, I’m lying here–sneaking the computer. Don’t you think it’s funny how God allows our plans to be altered. It’s as if HE’S in charge….funny concept–I know. It’s something I am learning so much of …
