Drop Everything

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Shhh! I’m supposed to be in bed–sleeping. But I volunteered to write a devotional to encourage your heart today, in fact, it was supposed to be a video. Instead, I have some sort of stomach bug and let me tell you how tired my eyes are. I had plans to record a video, edit my latest manuscript, scrape paint off my garage door trim but instead, I’m lying here–sneaking the computer.

Don’t you think it’s funny how God allows our plans to be altered. It’s as if HE’S in charge….funny concept–I know. It’s something I am learning so much of this summer. 


Have you been there? Plans for a new addition, a baby, a trip to visit loved ones, or a new job? But then God somehow intervenes in one way, shape or form. 

That is until God revealed to me this morning that I worry too much and don’t lean enough on Him. Instead, my mind scurries from one thought to another, weaving a web of confusion and of course, anxiousness. Despite not feeling well, I decided to drop everything and let it go. 

When we moved to Nebraska all those many years ago, we came here hoping for a slower change of pace. My husband and I wanted long, lazy weekends to ourselves. The first summer here, we lived in a small Minden town which helped us fall in love with The Good Life, yes we still miss the raw beauty of the Black Hills, but here in Nebraska, it’s all about a way of life, about family. This is where God planted us, because he knew if we took the time to keep our focus on him and the important things, we would thrive. 

What is it God is asking you to let go of? What is it He is asking you to embrace?

So today even though I don’t feel the greatest, I am going back to those first sweet moments of falling in love with this way of life, of being present, being in the moment. If you can relate in any shape or form, I suggest you ask God to clean the dusty cobwebs of worry in your heart, I would also suggest dropping everything today–Live in the moment. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.


Stephanie Shott
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