Following is today’s Saturday KIDZ TIME devotional! Set out juice and a treat. Open your child’s Bible to 1 Peter 5:7.  Place a yellow crayon beside their Bible so during your devotional time, they can color the verse. This will help your child connect the dots that what you’re teaching them is from the Bible. And, it is fun to be in God’s Word!  KIDZ TIME BIBLE VERSE:  C:  Cast your worries on Jesus because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 CRAFT:  Child cuts out pictures of “worries” from a magazine; then “hooks” them to fishing pole with tape or pipe cleaner. The worry …



Lord, what is the greatest gift I can give my children? I prayed that prayer 27 years ago. GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYER FOR MY CHILDREN. How did God reply to my prayer? He softly spoke to my heart, “The discipline to run to ME first thing every morning. That way I can always take care of them.”                                               As I continued praying, I asked, “Lord, how can I get my 3 and 5 year old want to read their …


What Are You Shaping with Your Lips?

Lips. Mouth. Tongue.  Have you ever considered the power of your lips, mouth, and tongue?  The Bible addresses all three and tells us to use them wisely. Why is it important for moms to consider what our lips, tongue, and mouth are doing? The words we shape with our lips often shape our lives and our children’s lives. *Shape, “Maybe we never should have gotten married,” and the shape of your life may be vastly different from what you intended. *Shape with your lips, “I need You, LORD,” and you’ll find heavenly help on the way. Yes, what we shape …
