How to Be Thankful Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

And be thankful. Colossians 3:15b ESV How do you get to a place of thankfulness when it would be so easy to just give up and become bitter or beaten down by the tough seasons in life? Everywhere you turn others are talking about their sweet family traditions and keeping a daily journal on their instagram page of things they are thankful for and you, well, you find yourself thinking…what do I have to do to catch a break here? Yep, I hear you sweet friend. It’s not always sunshine and lollipops in my world either, but let me let …


A Day in the Life of a School Teacher

Wowza! Who’s ready to go teach today? Teaching IS one of the hardest yet most rewarding jobs on the planet. I speak from experience. And what people say about teachers being underpaid and overworked…Yes it is TRUE! There is no other job where you get to teach the subject you love, be a like a parent to a bunch of kiddos, be a disciplinarian, be stern yet loving, be going a million miles a minute, be entertaining, be challenging, be inspiring, be a shoulder to cry on, be a club sponsor, and the list could go on and on. I rarely had my …


Is Your Child on Something?

She looks different to you.  Her eyes are glassy. Or is that a twinkle? Giggling, she can’t keep quiet. Gushing all of the great things about him, all conversations now lead to this one subject. If she were back in her light up shoes, the strobe light would be blinding as she twitters around the room. It’s like she’s on something. And she is. It’s infatuation. Although it’s not deadly or illegal, it does give this mama heart cause for concern. It’s a drug that can blind our kids, causing them to miss what is glaring to everyone but them. …


Two Questions I Daily Ask My Husband

   So often, I voice my opinions and air every single solitary thought in my head—out loud. It reminded me of those two questions I try to ask Paul daily. Two simple things I believe will RADICALLY change your marriage. Heading up to his office, I brought him a steaming cup of tea and threw my arms around his neck. “What can I do for you today?” (Question One) “Nothing. I’m fine.” He smiled. Sacrificial Love  When was the last time you asked your husband what you could do for him? I mean seriously asked him if there’s anything you …


Caring for Your Own Mom

Have you ever wondered what it might be like when your role as a daughter gets reversed and you become the parent to your mother? I didn’t give it much thought until I was suddenly faced with an ailing mother who needed full-time care. Most of my friends and family assumed that she would move into a nursing home facility. But, I knew God had quite a different plan for our family. Ever wondered what it might be like when your role as a daughter gets reversed & you become the parent to your mother? Click To Tweet I felt the constant …


An Open Letter to Those Who Are Thinking About Having an Affair

  Before we get started in talking about today’s tough topic, I want to announce the winner of The Cure for a “Perfect” Life by Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory. AND THE WINNER IS….. AUBREY M. CONGRATULATIONS AUBREY!! (Aubrey, please email us at and let us know where we can send your book!)   Today, I’m writing an open letter to those who are thinking about having an affair… because if you are even considering it, my prayer is this post will stop you dead in your tracks. You see, you only get one life to live to be …


The Million Dollar Question

  If you’re a parent, it’s only a matter of time before you ask your husband or your girlfriend, or your mailman the million dollar question: Why do our kids fight so much? Why? This million dollar question often rears its ugly head after visiting a friend whose children love each other so much they finish each other’s sentences. Her children seem so happy together, like Prozac-happy and you just don’t get it. You begin to ask yourself, Why does (Insert friend’s name here.)  kids like each other? Why do her children share toys and talk to each other sweetly …


Bite Your Tongue

  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, James 1:19 NIV Sometimes it is better for everyone involved if you just bite your tongue. Oh, I know, it’s not easy to do and believe me, this is something that I struggle with as a mom, wife…and well, as a person, but hear me on this- there is strength in not saying everything that comes to your mind. There is strength in not saying everything that comes to your mind. Bite Your Tongue. Click To …


Mama, Don’t Rush Your Babies Growing Up

Do you remember the old song by Willie Nelson called “Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys?” In it the song says over and over why they shouldn’t let their babies grow up to be a cowboy. It gives lots of reasons why the cowboy life isn’t a good one and tells mamas to let them be “doctors and lawyers and such”. What I’ve always wanted to scream is mama, don’t let your babies grow up…and then reality hit me, and I realized that no matter what you do they are gonna grow up. So, instead of …


A Statement of Faith You Can Teach Your Children

Soooo… I have a question… Do you filter what you believe about social, cultural, and political issues through the Word of God – or are the social, cultural, and political issues of the day the filter you use to choose what to believe about the Word of God? This past year we’ve had some interesting world events take place on the center stage of life. Things than can shake our faith or cause us to re-evaluate what we believe about God, His Word, and biblical principles. World Vision came out with a statement that shook many to the core and Hobby Lobby …
