How to Talk to Your Child about Divorce

  It’s an unfortunate truth in society today: half of all children will go through the break-up of their family, and their parent’s divorce. Though it’s obviously not God’s ideal, it does happen, and needs to be approached with grace from those on the outside, as well as those on the inside. One of the biggest mistakes parents make while going through a divorce is leaving their child out of the conversation. They have suffered a loss as well, are grieving as well, and need someone to work through it with them. So, how do you talk to your child about …

Tips for Summer Trips and Travel

Tips for Summer Trips and Technology

Somewhere between the first thousand miles and the second, I realized tech could ruin our togetherness. While it didn’t qualify as “vacation,” our travel across America was much needed time with our son before he spread his wings in college. We mapped out our route, activities, and low-budget accommodations, but failed to anticipate one hazard of family travel today: technology. What do we do with summer trips and technology when we travel? Whether you use iPads for little travelers or iPods for bigger riders, technology can be dangerous. If we let it take us for a ride instead of managing it …


Surrender! Let Him Call the Shots

Moms, it’s time to surrender! Yes, I’m talking to you. Are you the woman who makes her own decisions, is self-assured, knows what you want and tells everyone including your husband about it? If that’s you…I get it. I’ve been that woman for years. But, I had an excuse or at least I thought I did. I was a single mom who thought she had to do it all by herself…until one wonderful and life-changing day, the day I heard God speak straight to my heart, my life began to change for the better; I began to really listen to God. One of the first …


When Mother’s Day Disappoints

Did Mother’s Day live up to your dreams this year, or did you go to bed last night feeling disappointed?  Did Mother’s Day live up to your dreams this year, or did you go to bed last night feeling disappointed? Click To Tweet Most of us have probably been there at least a time or two. Maybe you’re a single mom, so Mother’s Day for you has never meant sleeping in or having someone else help with the children. You love your children, of course, but Mother’s Day reminds you of what you don’t have: someone to help raise your …


Honoring Your Mom and Your Mother-In-Law This Mother’s Day

Guess what is right around the corner? This year instead of all the gifts, let’s do something a little different and take some time to honor your mom…and your mother in law this Mother’s Day. Listen, I’ll be the first to admit, I wanna claim Mother’s Day as “my day.” I work hard all year long and I need, scratch that, want a day for me–but I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, your mom and your mother in law want that too. I’m not saying you give up your title of “Queen for the day” or anything like …


Words are Powerful

Our words can bless or curse. Wound or heal. Build up or tear down.  Words. Are. Powerful. I came across an article the other day about a seventh grade boy who posted on Instagram that he was planning on committing suicide on his birthday. This young boy had been severely bullied. He had been wounded by other students’ words and actions. While being hospitalized for treatment, the boy’s mom got an idea. She asked people on Facebook to send her son words of encouragement. He received THOUSANDS of responses. All uplifting and hopeful. The words of affirmation, affection, and love all …


5 Ways Wives Need to Pray for their Husbands

Do you pray for your man? I mean really pray for him? Strategically? Intentionally? Specifically? I often tell women that much of my “wifehood” has been spent on my knees for my man. He’s a man who is passionate about God and about reaching this generation for Christ. He sees the big picture and is fervent about seeing people discipled and the church not only loving each other, but also escaping the Christian bubble and not just faithfully attending church but also being the church beyond her four walls. I, admittedly, am one blessed woman and I love my man …


How to Fight Fair in a Marriage

  One issue that affects many marriages is a lack of strong communication.  We might communicate well when the waters are smooth, but then, if the waters get a little rocky, our communication skills often fly out the window.  I taught a workshop a couple of months ago called Fighting for Your Marriage. In that workshop, one thing we talked about was how to fight fair.  Here are some basic rules.  How to Fight Fair in a Marriage: 1. Stick to the topic at hand. Don’t bring up a ton of other issues that need to be addressed. Whatever was the …


Top 5 Ways to Become a Foolish Mom

No one starts out their parenting journey determined to make a foolish mess out of things.  But just for fun, what if we did? What would it look like to strive to become a foolish mom?  Here are the top 5 ways to become a foolish mom on this April Fools’ Day: Click To Tweet Give no thought to eternity.  Live each day without considering tomorrow.  Refuse to think about your eternal soul which will give an account of your life.  Live for today…take as much as you can from everyone around you NOW.  Ignore the verse, “Look carefully then …


Are You Sinking in the Sticky Mud of Porn?

“It started by watching a newscast on 50 Shades of Grey…then I bought the book…now my mind is a mess and my marriage is a wreck,” whispered a sweet young mom in tears as her eyes pleaded with me for help. It started by watching a newscast on 50 Shades of Grey… Click To Tweet We hear about porn prevailing over men and ruining their lives and marriages. But what about women who are sinking in the sticky mud of porn?  Where do women start…the ones in tears who regularly approach me after I speak…looking for help? Porn is no-longer …
