Election Year

What Kids Need to Know in Election Year

When political campaigns start to filter into our current conversations, moms take all kinds of approaches to managing the mayhem. Maybe you’re that mom who sends her child to Sunday school with a candidate’s button pinned on her dress. Or maybe you make popcorn and watch the debates with your toddlers and teens. What kind of mom are you? Do you know what your kids need to know in Election year? Are you flag-waving Felicia? This is a chance to feed your little patriots and capitalize on teachable moments about the Founding Fathers. #historylesson Are you kneeling Nancy? Every vote, debate, …

For Tired Mommies Everywhere

For Tired Mommies Everywhere

In my house, Nurse Mom sees plenty of nighttime action. My kids wake at midnight from coughing fits and scary dreams. They tiptoe to my bedroom in pitch darkness to inform me they need to go potty. They crawl out of bed in tears because they can’t find a favorite stuffed animal tucked deep beneath the covers. They expect me to find it. They talk in their sleep. They bump their heads on the wall. They’re thirsty. So they tap my shoulder at 2:00 a.m. asking for fresh water. Sometimes they just want to know if it’s morning yet and …

How to Help An Adopted Child Develop His Identity - Tips to help them wrap their identity around Christ via The Mom Initiative and Lindsey Bell

How To Help an Adopted Child Develop His or Her Identity

 Identities are important, aren’t they? They’re important for us as adults, but they’re equally as important for our children. I remember being a young child, probably about 10 or so, and waiting in line for an attraction on a family vacation. When my brothers and me got to the front of the line, an older gentleman said to us, “You three boys go on ahead.”  When he said that, I just stood there, assuming he was referring to my two brothers and my dad. But then he repeated himself. And I got it. He thought I was a boy too.  Granted, …


MATRIARCHS: Elizabeth – Mom Knows Best or God Knows Best?

Welcome to Week 10 of MATRIARCHS! Study God’s Word with us online or use them in your small group or Sunday School class!  Each lesson includes: Teaching video every Monday (15-20 minutes) Short lesson provided as the content of the post In-depth downloadable PDF to deepen your study Worksheets that take you even deeper ALL LESSONS ARE FREE AND YOU CAN MAKE AS MANY COPIES AS YOU’D LIKE! Week 1: Eve – A Mother Like No Other Week 2: Sarah – Mother of Nations Week 3: Rebekah – Mothering Through Barrenness Week 4: Mary – Stubbornly Inflexible or Sacredly Flexible Week 5: Naomi – Not …


How to Teach Your Children to Practice Hospitality

  The door to the bakery jingled as I opened it. Inside the bakery were many signs that Valentine’s Day was almost here. Heart-shaped balloons and stuffed teddy bears the size of small children greeted the entrance, and iced cookies personalized with “I Love You” lined the glass shelves, tempting me in all their sugar glory. Love was all around, that was for sure. Approaching the cashier, I told her my name and what I had ordered. She came back with four sets of Valentine’s cookies for my kids’ teachers and two large boxes of assorted cookies for our doctors. …


DIY Skin Softening Sugar Scrub

Momma’s winter-worn skin deserves this all natural, DIY skin scrub! Click To Tweet Enjoy silky smooth skin as you experience the benefits of your favorite essential oil coupled with coconut oil.  Double this easy recipe and give away as gifts!   Use the scrub after bathing by applying a small amount with circular motions on wet skin. Rinse well, pat dry. Be super careful not to get any scrub on your feet and slip! “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people …


Speaking a Good Word

Have you ever had someone speak a good word over you? I have, and it changed me. At least it led to changing me. I have pictured it to the left. When I was 20 years old, I married my Chris. I was a junior in college and transferred from University of Texas in Austin to Texas A&M. I found that at UT, Campus Crusade for Christ was a life-source to me and led me to know Jesus in a way I never had before known. He became my Friend there. I learned to pray there, too. It literally changed …


You Are the Queen of Your Castle

My husband and I bought our house before we had kids, so at first our home was our baby. We lovingly stripped wallpaper and painted ceilings, refinished floors and installed new appliances. Then we scrubbed and vacuumed the place corner to corner every weekend. A few years later, I held a toilet brush in one arm and a newborn in the other. Picture my toddler capsizing a laundry basket filled with burp rags and Dora pajamas, jumping in the pile, then spilling milk on the carpet just minutes after I’d scrubbed the stain from the day before. With children at …

Check out these tips to help you stretch your grocery budget!

Top 10 Ways to Stretch a Grocery Budget

When your grocery budget is stretched tight and you have little money to spare, these tips might help you stretch your dollar further.  My husband and I married at 19 and 20 years old, so we learned early how to survive on very little income. At the time we married, we were both college students working part-time jobs. Looking back now, I’m amazed we were able to live on so little. One good thing about starting out relatively poor, though, was that we learned early how to stretch our money. Here are a few of the things we learned. Top …


Today…Give 5 Away!

Jesus comes for a visit. He walks through your front door. You’re overwhelmed by His glorious presence.   He sits at your table. You offer Him water; feeling silly as you do; since He’s Living water. He asks to see your children who are playing in the next room. As you enter, a sense of embarrassment consumes you. Not because of their rowdy playing; but because of the number of toys stuffed in toy bins and covering the floor; the toys they no longer play with that you’d intended to give to the less fortunate before Christmas. Your children run into Jesus’s arms. He blesses them; then …
