Words are Powerful

Our words can bless or curse. Wound or heal. Build up or tear down.  Words. Are. Powerful. I came across an article the other day about a seventh grade boy who posted on Instagram that he was planning on committing suicide on his birthday. This young boy had been severely bullied. He had been wounded by other students’ words and actions. While being hospitalized for treatment, the boy’s mom got an idea. She asked people on Facebook to send her son words of encouragement. He received THOUSANDS of responses. All uplifting and hopeful. The words of affirmation, affection, and love all …


Why Heroin?

   Just over a year ago, actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died of an apparent heroin overdose. This brought the topic of drug use back to main stream attention. We have become aware of kids using prescription drugs, but now we hear heroin is making a comeback; reminiscent of the 70’s and early 80’s drug culture. Heroin is making a comeback Click To Tweet In one of the parenting courses I’m teaching, I asked, “Why heroin”? A mom and dad who are sadly intimately knowledgeable about this issue answered, “It’s cheap and easy to use.” After doing a little research myself, …


Best Mom Tip Ever!

Our “With LOVE from MOM” week is here and today, parenting expert and MOM Mentor shares the BEST MOM TIP EVER! TODAY’S GIVEAWAYS ARE… Raising Little Kids with BIG Love and   Raising Little Kids with Big Love (Wildenberg & Danielson) Parents of toddlers- 9 yrs.          Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love (Wildenberg & Danielson). Parents of tweens-teens.         COMMENT and SHARE YOUR BIGGEST STRUGGLE or YOU BEST MOM ADVICE for a CHANCE to WIN ONE of TODAY’S GIVEAWAYS! WINNERS of EACH GIVEAWAY THIS WEEK WILL BE ANNOUNCED in SUNDAY’S POST!   BEST MOM TIP EVER!      Happy Valentine’s …


Simple Change

“Say you’re sorry, Riley.” “Sorrrrrreeeeee.” “She doesn’t mean it! She’s not sorry.” A common exchange among siblings. a challenging situation for moms and dads.  Saying sorry is sometimes just saying words. Kids can spot an insincere apology a mile away.  My sister-in-law was once a member of a cult called Eckankar. The sect taught that Christians were all hypocrites; a believer could do whatever  he wanted, ask for forgiveness, and then do it again later. Hyper-grace.  Giving an  insincere apology is a lot like seeking  hyper-grace.  Giving an insincere apology is a lot like seeking hyper-grace. Click To Tweet So, …


I Am The Manager of Stuff

Well …at least the roll is within reach. I suppose if a box of tissue had been nearby the toilet paper may not have even made it to the counter. Fellow Mamas, have you noticed…we are the end of the line when it comes to household management ? We get the stuff. Organize the stuff. Toss the stuff. Locate the stuff. And donate the stuff. Why is it that I know where my daughter’s earrings, my son’s shoes, and husband’s wallet are? Click To Tweet Why is it that I know where my daughter’s earrings, my son’s shoes, and husband’s …


Introducing a New Baby Into the Family

“I wish you would turn into a ball and roll away.” Apparently my second oldest wasn’t too excited about my pregnancy with our fourth child. Adding a new person into the family fold causes adjustments for all family members.  Adding a new person into the family fold causes adjustments Click To Tweet Because this was child number four, I wasn’t too worried. (I may have felt alarmed had this been my second baby.) Our home in La Mesa, California was very…shall we say..cozy.  We decided it was best to have our girls (the oldest and the third) share a room …


Avoiding the ER

Minnesota, Colorado, Virginia, Utah, California are all states where at least one Wildenberg child has made a  trip to the ER.  It isn’t an official family vacation until we take at least one trip to Urgent Care or the Emergency Room.  I prefer to avoid the ER. There is another -er that would be good to avoid. The suffix, er. The er  that comes at the end of a word: Smarter Happier Sweeter Nicer When we compare our kiddos to one-another we can do some damage. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It’s true. Comparison can turn admiration into envy …


Sleep-Overs the Pros and Cons

I’m just going to put it out there. I pretty much hated sleep-overs and slumber parties. I pretty much hated sleep-overs and slumber parties. Click To Tweet And not just because of tired cranky kids the next day.   Mostly I hated sleep-overs because I preferred to tuck my kids into their own bed at night. And..to be honest, I liked the element of control, knowing what they were watching and what activities they were involved in. If I could choose, I preferred to have kids come to our home to spend the night rather than my kids go to …


10 Typical Parenting Questions

I have some great good news to share with you my Mom Initiative friends and fellow mamas.   But… before I do, do you ask yourself these questions? 1. How can I increase my child’s self-worth? 2. How do I build family unity? 3. How can I encourage my kids to be friends? 4. What do I do when my child lies or steals? 5. How can I effectively deal with tantrums and whining? 6. How can I control my own temper? 7. What can I do to be a good advocate for my special needs or gifted child in …


Whine and Wine Culture

“Go have a glass of wine.” I had been cutting my infants’s finger nails and ended up making a slice in the tip of his finger. I felt sick. There was blood. I went from zero to one-hundred in no time flat. He’ll bleed to death! I’ve maimed my baby! He needs stitches. My pediatrician and her colleagues had most likely fielded this type of frantic call from a mom many times before. “He’s fine. Just put a little pressure on it. Don’t worry. And Dr. Smith says, Go have a glass of wine.” I could hear a little laughter …
