Why Heroin?

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why kids choose heroin 4Just over a year ago, actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died of an apparent heroin overdose. This brought the topic of drug use back to main stream attention. We have become aware of kids using prescription drugs, but now we hear heroin is making a comeback; reminiscent of the 70’s and early 80’s drug culture.

In one of the parenting courses I’m teaching, I asked, “Why heroin”?


A mom and dad who are sadly intimately knowledgeable about this issue answered, “It’s cheap and easy to use.”

After doing a little research myself, I concur, yes that is what the studies show. Heroin is affordable and can be sniffed, smoked, or shot-up.

Their child didn’t fit the profile of a drug user. He was a good kid, a smart kid, who was brought up in a Christian home.

So why does a smart, good kid take drugs?  

The reasons are as unique as the child.

Here are a few:

1. To fit in socially

2. Use as an escape

3. Rebellion

4. YOLO (You Only Live Once. Why not try it?)

We don’t anticipate our kids will use or abuse drugs, but studies show that 40% of kids try marijuana by the age of 18. Some of those individuals move onto harder drugs.

 If you think your child is using heroin here are a few signs to watch for:

1. Small pupils or pupils that don’t respond to light.

2. Needle marks in the arms or legs (the child wears long sleeves or pants even in warm weather).

3. Unusual or changed sleeping habits.

4. Vomiting, coughing , or sniffling.

5. Twitching.

6. Loss of appetite.

7. Poor hygiene.

8. You may have missing shoelaces (used as tourniquet).

9. Spoons that are burned around the edges.

10. Stealing money.

Continue to stay involved in his or her life. Pay attention to changes in your child’s behavior, friendships, schoolwork, or attendance. If you suspect drug use, look into it. Go ahead, search your child’s room. (Only do this if you believe something is going on, otherwise avoid this.) If you discover that your tween or teen is involved with drugs, seek professional help right away and find some trustworthy believers who will hold you and your family up in prayer. This is a problem that will not get better by itself and will get worse with time.

If you would like more information, I found this site particularly informative: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/drug_substance_abuse_addiction_signs_effects_treatment.htm

Lori’s newly published book: Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love (Wildenberg & Danielson)  discusses what to do about the things that tempt your child in the chapter titled, Choose Goodness. Lori, co-founder of 1 Corinthians 13 Parenting  is available for speaking. Check out her website for more information.Big_Kids_Cover



Lori Wildenberg
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