Introducing a New Baby Into the Family

“I wish you would turn into a ball and roll away.” Apparently my second oldest wasn’t too excited about my pregnancy with our fourth child. Adding a new person into the family fold causes adjustments for all family members.  Adding a new person into the family fold causes adjustments Click To Tweet Because this was child number four, I wasn’t too worried. (I may have felt alarmed had this been my second baby.) Our home in La Mesa, California was very…shall we say..cozy.  We decided it was best to have our girls (the oldest and the third) share a room …


Don’t Lie to Me

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ,” (Galatians 6:2). I want to chat with the new moms out there. Seasoned moms, pull up a chair, because we’re all in this together. Are you comfy? Let’s talk. Motherhood isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be. Caring for children is a physically grueling, emotionally draining, and spiritually challenging round-the-clock job. I don’t know who might’ve told you otherwise, or how many women withheld this bit of information when they gushed over your adorable baby shower gifts, but I’m here to set the record straight. …
