DIY Chocolate Mint Lip Balm

This is a fun, super easy project to do along side your kiddos! Perfectly glossy as well as soothing, your lips will absolutely love these! The mint warms your lips while the chocolate adds a yummy taste and slight tint.  Most of these ingredients you will already find in your kitchen. The rest can be purchased through I use transparent clear lip balm containers found here. Your mouth will love the all-natural, skin loving ingredients. Remember these have no preservatives, so enjoy them within six months! (This won’t be a problem-trust me!)     Do you have any DIY …

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Health(ier) Meals for Families On-the-Go

Once upon a time, when my girls were babies, I made majority of their baby food.  I have always enjoyed being creative in the kitchen but since I’ve been working part-time, it has been so much harder to put a home cooked meal on the table each night.  We juggle two work schedules, mother’s morning out, church, gymnastics, working out, and family/friend time each week.  Needless to say, some nights our dinner consists of pizza or chinese food!  In an effort to keep up with our on-the-go family, I’m trying to get back to food basics with health(ier) options for …


He is Risen!

Today, Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what does that really mean for us? It means that we can know God through the Holy Spirit. It means that when we mess up, God shows us grace through His forgiveness. Jesus took on the sins of the whole world when He was killed on Good Friday. And three days later, He rose to heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father. We celebrate not for candy, the Easter bunny and colored eggs, but for the ultimate sacrifice Jesus was willing to give the whole world when He died …


How to Teach Your Children to Practice Hospitality

  The door to the bakery jingled as I opened it. Inside the bakery were many signs that Valentine’s Day was almost here. Heart-shaped balloons and stuffed teddy bears the size of small children greeted the entrance, and iced cookies personalized with “I Love You” lined the glass shelves, tempting me in all their sugar glory. Love was all around, that was for sure. Approaching the cashier, I told her my name and what I had ordered. She came back with four sets of Valentine’s cookies for my kids’ teachers and two large boxes of assorted cookies for our doctors. …


DIY Skin Softening Sugar Scrub

Momma’s winter-worn skin deserves this all natural, DIY skin scrub! Click To Tweet Enjoy silky smooth skin as you experience the benefits of your favorite essential oil coupled with coconut oil.  Double this easy recipe and give away as gifts!   Use the scrub after bathing by applying a small amount with circular motions on wet skin. Rinse well, pat dry. Be super careful not to get any scrub on your feet and slip! “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people …

Lessons in LOVE

Lessons in LOVE in Eras of Evil

In a recent meeting in a children’s church class room, I read rules displayed on the wall. “Side hugs only,” it warned. Everything else was about what’s NOT allowed:  secrets, piggy backs, carrying, tickling, lap sitting. Are these things all bad? So dangerous? Can’t we be affectionate without being evil? Can’t we use loving touch? Does modern love have to be sterile to be safe? More than ever, our children look to us for lessons in love. An era of evil is a hard time to for a child to learn what love is, and evil reigns today. It’s not the …


You Are the Queen of Your Castle

My husband and I bought our house before we had kids, so at first our home was our baby. We lovingly stripped wallpaper and painted ceilings, refinished floors and installed new appliances. Then we scrubbed and vacuumed the place corner to corner every weekend. A few years later, I held a toilet brush in one arm and a newborn in the other. Picture my toddler capsizing a laundry basket filled with burp rags and Dora pajamas, jumping in the pile, then spilling milk on the carpet just minutes after I’d scrubbed the stain from the day before. With children at …


Top Gadgets To Make Mom’s Life Easier in 2016!

Must-have gadgets to make Momma’s life so much easier in 2016! Click To Tweet Do you loathe spending time on housekeeping? Are you ready to shave hours off your daily chores? Check out these gadgets which are sure to make your busy life more manageable in 2016! Roomba  This is my personal favorite. Touch a button–and walaaaaa—the floor is clean. This robotic vacuum cleans up after the kids and pets so you don’t have to! It easily glides from wood floor to carpet, and docks onto the charging base all on its own! Because this vacuum works so hard, you will …

Ideas for family traditions for the entire year: New Year's Eve, Easter, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Halloween, and Christmas.

Family Traditions For Holidays Throughout the Year

One fun way to build memories with your kids is to create family traditions…traditions you do each and every year.  Here are some easy family traditions for holidays throughout the year! I wouldn’t recommend doing ALL of these. Instead, choose one or two to incorporate into your year.  Traditions for the Entire Year:  Birthdays:  Decorate your child’s door so she wakes up to a surprise. Interview your kids.  Ask them the same questions each year, questions like: what is your favorite food, what is your favorite movie, who is your closest friend, what do you want to be when you grow …


Today…Give 5 Away!

Jesus comes for a visit. He walks through your front door. You’re overwhelmed by His glorious presence.   He sits at your table. You offer Him water; feeling silly as you do; since He’s Living water. He asks to see your children who are playing in the next room. As you enter, a sense of embarrassment consumes you. Not because of their rowdy playing; but because of the number of toys stuffed in toy bins and covering the floor; the toys they no longer play with that you’d intended to give to the less fortunate before Christmas. Your children run into Jesus’s arms. He blesses them; then …
