5 Ways Stay-At-Home Moms Can Contribute to Financial Health

I am a proud housewife. I love the fact that my “job” consists of taking care of my people and my home. I know that it’s a blessing to have the job I have, and I remind myself of that when I’m crushed under an avalanche of laundry. I am a proud housewife. #housewife #moms @themominitiativ Click To Tweet My husband is the primary bread-winner in our home, but that doesn’t give me the option of not contributing in some way to our finances. There are ways I can add to our financial health even though I’m not earning a …


TherMOMeter: Setting The Temperature In Your Family

As a young mom, I had no idea that my mood could and would set the temperature for the entire house; actually I wasn’t aware yet, but I was the therMOMeter of my home. If I was in a bad mood, it eventually bled over and made everyone else have a bad mood too. My boys were little when I decided to test this idea out. I decided that no matter how I “felt” that day I would take a few notes and see how quickly my attitude started affecting how the kids (and even my husband) were behaving in …


What Is a Homemaker and Why You Need to Know

  “Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.” Proverbs 14:1 Recently I was cleaning my house because my sons and their families were coming over for Family Game Night. A friend asked me why I was cleaning my house when it was just family. With a smile in my eyes I looked at her and said, “Because it is my family that I love most.” Homemaking seems to be a lost art – scorned by some as some type of menial service – disregarded and disrespected by others as a …


What is your SOUL Focus

My husband despises my mind. Well–its more like a love-loathe thing. That’s because I multi-task ALL THE TIME. We’ll go to the store and I tear the list in half, giving him half and I take the other half. My goal is to get it done as quickly as possible.  But my husband’s goal is to relax, browse the lovely selection of grocery goods, and spend time together. I do that with everything. Doing one thing at a time is a luxury for birthdays and anniversaries…. Do women ever get to focus solely on one thing? NO–not when we have so much to …


How to Make Your House a Joyful Home

    ‘Wives should feel that home is their place and their kingdom, the happiness of which depends mostly upon them.*” Ouch. You mean the happiness of my family depends mostly upon me???    As much as I would love this responsibility to fall on someone else’s shoulders, the fact is I am the one with the responsibility of constructing a joyful home. So how do we intentionally design our “place and kingdom”? Fashion a home which glorifies God and as a natural result love, joy and rest fill each room?  This will not come naturally. By nature we are …


Eek-ing the Toothpaste

Many years ago, I was in charge of the newsletter for our women’s ministry at church. I enjoy newsletters. I like to read them, too! It has been such a blessing to share the stories of various women in our church and to use my gifts to do so. There is so much of this-n-that, which can be tied together into a theme–to bless, encourage and give others a reason to laugh or pause to think. I have greatly enjoyed locating such material. In one book, I found a story where Elisabeth Elliot shares a tidbit that she learned, while scraping …


When he walks out and you lose your ability to receive

  The living room twinkled in hues of blue from our eight foot tall white Christmas tree, decked out in blue lights peppered with homemade ornaments. Tori Grace sat at its feet, tucked in between the tree and  fireplace. In all her silly brilliance, I laughed over her funny story when I said, “Baby girl you are so beautiful,” but her response caught my eye. Ever so quickly, she set her jaw and froze over the compliment before smiling and saying, “I don’t like that.” “You don’t like it when mommy says you’re beautiful? What about when I tell you …


Homemade Laundry Soap

Tired of the high price of laundry soap? Worried of clothing your family in unknown chemicals each day? Our homemade laundry soap recipe will pamper your clothes and ease your budget! Click To Tweet Prepare this all natural laundry detergent alongside your talented kiddos for a fun project!  This batch makes enough for thirty-two loads!      Notes *You can find homemade natural Castile soap or a batch of this detergent at www.taradovenbarger.com. The washing soda and Borax can be found in your grocery store laundry isle (Washing Soda and Borax were each under $4.00). You can also substitute ZOTE, Ivory, or …


Our Blessing Box

When we were young married’s and college students, my Chris and I began to do a Blessing Box. A blessing box represents a life of God taking care of His own.  And it reminds us that He has been faithful, is faithful and WILL BE FAITHFUL in the future.   Our children get to have a front row seat to what God is doing around us every single day. I have no idea where this idea originated (and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my original idea), but we have made it our own over the past 23 years. I cannot find the …


Gathering in with Those You Love

Today, we have the privilege of having a sweet sister in Christ, LeAnn Rice share about the beauty and joy of gathering with those you love. Her new book, The Loving Kitchen has just been released and it’s a MUST HAVE for every woman who longs for her home to be the place where memories are made and her children will linger even when they are adults.   By: LeAnn Rice No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished? …
