Eek-ing the Toothpaste

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Hard SeasonMany years ago, I was in charge of the newsletter for our women’s ministry at church. I enjoy newsletters. I like to read them, too! It has been such a blessing to share the stories of various women in our church and to use my gifts to do so.

There is so much of this-n-that, which can be tied together into a theme–to bless, encourage and give others a reason to laugh or pause to think. I have greatly enjoyed locating such material.

In one book, I found a story where Elisabeth Elliot shares a tidbit that she learned, while scraping to pay the bills.

She writes that until she was in need, she had no idea that after she had squeezed as much as she could, there is still more toothpaste in the tube. So she cut off the lid and used every single bit of it.

Hmmm…think about that. Can you see it? Can you imagine cutting off the top with a sharp pair of scissors? Then can you imagine using it carefully, intentionally for another week or more? Can you imagine the joy of using it to the fullest, the feeling of being effective and efficient?

That is what God is calling us to step up to during this season, this generation, of our country.

We are a nation of people who do not take time to take stock.

We do not know how to save, how to wait, how to pinch pennies or even have the humility to cut the top off our toothpaste. We are proud and often heedless.

So we hit a wall. We hit bottom. And in the process, I daresay, we GAIN insight. We are learning to wait, to save, to pinch pennies, and our pride? It’s not worth a thing.

Are you in a hard season, Mama?

Do you feel discouraged about it?

Well, pray. Take stock. Ask friends to walk the journey out with you.

Then begin to eek. Eek everything that God has for you IN SEASON. Utilize the gifts you receive in the midst of the hardship. Cause them to be known to others. Tell about the things that are stretching farther. Tell about the hearts of people, who are walking with you. Throw out all pride and SHARE your journey.

Perhaps there is someone out there at the bottom, who needs to know how to Eek. You have walked to the places you are walking FOR a REASON. Now Eek out every GOOD thing from this journey.

Then humbly, share it.

“It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1: 3-4



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Stephanie Shott
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