How a Single Mom Accomplishes the Impossible

  Wendy Hirschfeld is a single mom accomplishing the impossible. Beautiful fields, grazing farm animals and a tight-knit family surrounded Wendy as she grew up in Nebraska. Emmitt, on the other hand, struggled to survive amid the drug laden streets of Chicago.  Emmitt’s father was robbed from him through carbon monoxide poisoning when he was only 8, and was left to survive with his drug addicted mom.   Emmitt’s family eventually drifted to a shelter in Omaha, Nebraska while he attended middle school.  While there, his birth mom abandoned him… Emmitt had absolutely nowhere to go. Until Wendy took him as her …


Your Children are Not a Statistic

I’ve done the research. The statistics for single parents and their children are not encouraging to say the least. From failed marriages, to increased drug and alcohol use, crime, and depression: the picture of children from single family homes is bleak. And it makes me angry. Not because I’m in a demographic that I never wanted to be in—isn’t that the case for most single moms? Not because the statistics always take a negative bent—I mean, seriously, almost every one. And, not because what they say has the power to keep some women in bad situations because they fear for …


REJECTION: Best Worst Thing

  If you have ever felt rejected, it might be hard for you to as they say, “put yourself out there again.” Maybe you loved someone and you were not loved back. Maybe you lost a job you loved. When that happens, it’s easy to feel defeated and want to give up. You just want to want to curl up in a ball, and hide. That’s they way I felt when my 11 year marriage ended, and lost what I thought was a dream job. You might be surprised to hear that Jesus knows exactly how you feel. You’re not …


The Three B’s of a Brave Mom

The bravest thing I’ve ever done was let go of who I thought I was supposed to be and embraced who God purposed ME to be. It meant performing a 180 – a complete reversal in attitude and performance. Instead of living how I thought I should or by someone else’s standards, I began to live out each day through whispers from God. It took courage to  say no to opportunities, time with friends, projects, and volunteer work so that I could carve out a daily routine reflecting the roles I was meant to partake in. And if you’re wondering …


5 Ways to Know If You’re Giving Your Children too Much or Not Enough Attention & 5 Ways to HELP!

“And Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game, but Rebekah loved Jacob.” Genesis 25:28 (NKJV) There we were in the middle of aisle 5 of the grocery store when my little guy decided to make a scene. He was 4, impatient, and he wanted my attention RIGHT THEN! MOMMY! MOOMMMMMY! MOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYYY!! I neeeeeeed you! I rushed to find out what my frantic little four year old wanted when I quickly discovered that what he was pitching such a noisy fit over was a box of cookies. . When I told him no, the noise escalated at warp speed and all …


10 Things Single Moms Should Consider Before Dating

Hey single mom… I wish we were hanging out over coffee and chatting because I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there, so I understand how hard it is to be a single mom. Feeling the pressure and the pain that comes with trying to fulfill both roles of the mom and the dad is daunting. The physical, financial, and emotional strain of it all can wear a woman out. Motherhood is a beautiful thing but being a mom can be hard… and being a single mom… well, it’s just extra hard. I remember things like… Making a sandwich …


Make the GF Your Best Friend

So, he has a girlfriend.  What now?  Maybe she’s a fiancé or even a wife.  What do you do? Whether you like it or not, the father of your children will move on, and so will you!  How you deal with it makes a huge difference on how your children will deal with it. Make the GF Your Best Friend I know you want to hate her.  I know you want her to wear a bigger size then you.  I know this advice will sound like the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard.  It’s not my advice.  It’s from a …


5 Reasons Why a Single Mom can Love the Life She Lives

Even if your life did not turn out the way you planned, it’s the way it is, so choose to make the best out of it. Today, you can decide to LOVE the life you live. Have you ever met anyone whose life went exactly according to his or her plan?  I haven’t. If you do meet this person, I’d be curious to know if they were bored.  I am convinced it’s the adventure that gives us meaning.  It’s the mistakes that become our mission. “Life is pure adventure, the sooner we realize that we are able to treat life as …


Become the Mom You Want to Be

Have you ever felt like the mom you are is very different from the mom you thought you’d be… from the mom you want to be? Have you ever felt like the mom you are is very different from the mom you thought you’d be-from the mom you want to be? Click To Tweet Me too!  Motherhood seemed so much easier before I had kids but it didn’t take long to realize that although being a mom is the biggest blessing on the planet, motherhood is messy and harder than I ever thought it could be. So, how can you …


Where Was God?

Have you ever gone through something so devastating and painful that you look back and wonder where was God? If God was really there why didn’t He intervene? Why did He allow such tragedy take place? I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life where I’ve personally witnessed so much tragedy and pain. A godly mom, who has given her life to serving her family and others gives birth to a beautiful still born baby. Oh, the agony! They leave the hospital with empty arms, and the nursery they’d spent weeks preparing every intricate detail … empty. …
