How a Single Mom Accomplishes the Impossible

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single mom

Wendy Hirschfeld is a single mom accomplishing the impossible.

Beautiful fields, grazing farm animals and a tight-knit family surrounded Wendy as she grew up in Nebraska.

Emmitt, on the other hand, struggled to survive amid the drug laden streets of Chicago.  Emmitt’s father was robbed from him through carbon monoxide poisoning when he was only 8, and was left to survive with his drug addicted mom.  

Emmitt’s family eventually drifted to a shelter in Omaha, Nebraska while he attended middle school.  While there, his birth mom abandoned him… Emmitt had absolutely nowhere to go.

wendystoryUntil Wendy took him as her son— despite being single.

An extraordinary family was born out of one boy who prayed earnestly for someone to save him, and one young teacher who felt called to help.

However, obedience to the Lord’s call is not without challenges.

How does Wendy accomplish the task of raising a teen as a single mom?

  • Support from her own mom.  Wendy’s mom has always been her greatest supporter, and quickly backed her decision to care for Emmitt.  Accepting Emmitt with open arms and as an immediate grandchild has helped immensely. When times get tough her mom reminds Wendy, “Remember he is only 14…he has never done that before. He will learn.”  
  • Support from her faith.  A teen to care for, new expenses, wisdom in parenting, living for someone other than herself…all flow from her faith.  Wendy’s favorite verse:  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13 ESV)  
  • Support from her friends.  Wendy’s friends have been amazing. The teachers at the school hosted a baby shower for her and her new teenage son!  Her friends saw the need and blessed them both with gift cards, love and encouragement. 

What is Wendy’s advice to single moms?

“You can do it! It is not going to be easy, but it is worth it!  You won’t have any “ME TIME,” but the time goes fast; so try and enjoy it.  Dedicate your life to making your children the best, so that they can be successful when you free them.  Kids are expensive and sometimes you just don’t know how you can afford all life demands.  But God provides and will help along the way, so don’t get discouraged.  Most of all PRAY! God will give you what you need.”

And the best part of this whole story comes from Emmitt himself!  

His gift of writing poetry paints a picture of his journey to his forever family.  Here is a small part of a much longer (and wonderful) poem written by Emmitt.

My Story

…We got kicked out the shelter cuz mom had left

I didn’t no wat to do so I took a deep breath

An thought if somebody would help me…

Then that following year along came Wendy

I met her playin basketball

She saw me beat her whole team

She was like, Wow! Dat boy can play some ball!

She knew I had a hard life

She wanted to help so she invited me to her house and life

I didn’t want to be with her for the money

…Wendy went out of her way to help me

Then I knew an angel was on my shoulder saying I got u homie

I loved Wendy for all the things she done

Things was getting better and I felt like number 1

Now my life is better den eva

Cause of Wendy I’m living some better den Cinderella

Now I’m just chill in with my family

Saying thank you God for the miracle He gave me.


Click here to read his whole poem, and read more of their amazing story here.

Are you a single mom who is accomplishing the impossible?  Please share with us your story!

Praising Him through my pen,

Tara Dovenbarger


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