Why God Is Sometimes Silent & How You Can Hear His Voice – Part 3

For those of you who are just joining this series on the seasons of God’s silence, I want you to know I treasure your emails and comments. Your emails remind me there’s a reason this is one of the topics I speak on often. It’s because we’ve all been baffled by those seasons of silence when our prayers seem to hit the ceiling and God feels so far away. But God never allows us to experience His silence by mistake. In Part 1, we discovered that sometimes God seems silent because our lives are just so loud. We allow ourselves to become so busy …


Why God Is Sometimes Silent & How You Can Hear His Voice – Part 2

Yesterday, I mentioned that WHEN GOD IS SILENT is a topic I’m frequently asked to speak on because it is where we all live. But it also seems to be one of the top five posts I’ve ever written in terms of hits.  Such a loud and clear message about where so many women are… wondering where God is… wondering if He cares. Have you been wondering where God is – wondering if He cares? This series of posts gives you some answers! Click To Tweet My heart hurts with each one who feels far from God or is in a desperate …


Why Is God Sometimes Silent & How Can We Hear His Voice?

Hey sweet moms! I was thinking of you today and wondering how many of you are struggling to hear from God in some are of your life.  “WHEN GOD IS SILENT” is one of the messages I’m frequently asked to speak on because it’s an evergreen topic we have all had to walk through at some time or another. Maybe you’re there now. We’ve all been there.  The place where we are desperate to hear from God or to see Him move in our circumstances, but it seems as though our prayers hit the ceiling and our hearts feel far from …
