Staying Sane in the Crazy World of Motherhood

The water ran again filling the tank of the toilet that hadn’t been used in at least an hour. My muscles in my neck and jaw tensed as I pondered, Do I really need to call… “MOM!” A shrill voice interrupted my musings. “MOM! The toilet is overflowing!” My eye started to twitch as I swallowed and tried to keep control of my voice, “Is there water running on the floor? Or did you just use too much toilet paper again?” “No Lexi!” A voice downstairs floated upstairs with the tone of emergency, “MOM! Lexi is muddy and I accidentally …


Avoiding Disappointment on Mother’s Day by Sheila Gregoire

It’s our special day! The day when we get fussed over. When someone else makes us breakfast and brings it to us on a tray (even if the cereal has gone soggy and the toast has grown cold). Someone else is worrying about what we’ll eat for lunch and dinner. Someone else will do the dishes. We’ll get a lovely card from our husband telling us “You’re still the one who stops my heart.” We’ll get lovely handmade cards from the kids. And we’ll get some special presents to open–something that is meant just to pamper us, to say, “we …


12 Keys to Motherhood ~ Lessons from My Rearview Mirror

I’m not sure why I thought because I had a mom I knew how to be one. But there I was… 17 years old. Young in years but great with child. I didn’t have all the answers but I thought it would be a breeze. After all, how hard can it be when you LOVE someone so deeply and SO profoundly ~ to the depths of your soul? How could mothering that precious little life ever be hard. My brown-eyed boy with Shirley Temple curls made my heart skip a beat. Every time he wrapped his tiny fingers around my …
