Perfectionism is Overrated!

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? Hi, my name is Sandy, and I’m a closet perfectionist. And I know that perfectionism is overrated! No one would know my secret if they looked at my house, my hair, or my clothes, but somewhere down deep there is a desire for perfection. My heart races and my nerves shake when things are not in order. I used to tell my children I could not make …


How to See Eating Disorders in Kids

On the day she shared her story with me, Katie Kluke’s blue eyes were full of hope. She wore a soft gray sweater that draped easily around her slender frame. Her voice was calm as she told how she once used her Daddy’s stability wrap to encircle her girlish self, making her feel wonderfully “small.” She recounts how she didn’t want “thunder thighs” or the way they made her look: not petite, even in second grade. By 8th grade, family stress stirred the lies in her heart and mind and a full-blown eating disorder in her body. The United States …


Vow To Breathe + Give-Away of “Hands Free Mama”

Guest Post by Rachel Macy Stafford Guest Post by Rachel Macy Stafford During my highly-distracted years, life was a blur—the to-do lists took over … my life was a constant mad dash to a finish line that couldn’t be reached … and my devices were gripped more tightly than the hands of my loved ones. Thank God things are different now. Now I strive to open my hands, eyes, and heart to the moments that matter. And on this particular day, What Really Mattered was on my radar. Out for a morning run while on vacation, I spotted a helpless starfish …


Embracing Imperfection

Get a group of moms together for a weekend and what do we talk about? Yep, kids! This past weekend I had the great privilege of being able to hang with twelve other mamas.  Some of the women are first time moms and others are grand-moms. All share a great love for their children. We discovered another commonality- all the mamas’ kids have experienced some sort of challenge or struggle. Imperfection is a quality to embrace.     Okay, I’ll say it again. Imperfection is a quality to embrace.  The goal isn’t  shooting for perfection in your child or in …
