Avoid Making These 3 Top Mistakes with Your Teens

Avoid making these 3 top mistakes with your teen. Click To Tweet Observing my oldest son and daughter navigate their steps from the smooth path of childhood to the rocky terrain of adulthood is an ongoing exercise of faith. Hands, which once softened falls and redirected their toddling steps, are now helpless to protect them from the bruises of harsh employers, academic pressures, new relationships, financial demands and all the rest.   Watching our teens amid all these transitions is hard, and if you are like me the LAST thing you want to do is make their difficult journey harder.  …

Out of all the mistakes you could make as a parent, this is the ONE parenting mistake you DON'T want to make

The Biggest Parenting Mistake To Avoid

As moms, we all make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes are minor. Sometimes, they’re much more detrimental. But there is one mistake that stands above the rest: the #1 parenting mistake we should all try to avoid. And it might not be what you’d expect… I’m a stay-at-home mother to two boys. One of them is a pleaser and really does want to make me happy. Take, for example, his behavior yesterday. When I picked him up from school and asked how his day went, he told me something that wasn’t true.  We’ve been working with him on honesty, so I was …
