for the imperfect mom…

  The memories that linger in the shadows of my imperfect mom journey have sometimes caused me to question what I could have and should have done differently. So much! OH…SO MUCH! Motherhood for me was like a messy experiment and my children were the guinea pigs. That’s why I wrote The Making of a Mom with a mission to help moms parent on purpose… to be intentional moms who grasp the significance of the moment… of each moment. Before I was a mom, I thought I would be the kind of mom who never yelled, never counted to three, …


Motherhood — True Evolution

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 I believe in evolution. No, I’m not talking about the evolution of our galaxy and planet earth. I’m a creation girl all the way. To me, true, undefiled evolution is parenting at its finest. It’s incredible how my mom-skills have changed over the past twenty-two years. Today I barely  resemble the  mom I was my first day on the job in 1991. Whenever my college-girl comes home to visit, she wants to watch old home …


How a Wiggles Movie Changed My Life

“Please, Mom? Pleeeease?” My daughter pleaded as she climbed into her car seat. Since buying our first minivan, I’d come to appreciate all its amenities but one—the built-in DVD player. That thing was a source of constant battle. Every time we boarded the van, my children asked to watch a movie. And every time I replied, no. Because good parents don’t let their children watch television in the car. My Perfect Parent Handbook has lots of rules like that. Good parents don’t buy sugary cereal. Good parents don’t let their children wear pajamas to the playground. Good parents have a …
