How Children Can Hear God

When hormone-crazed emotions mix with future-impacting decisions, quick answers such as ask “Just ask God” can leave our children feeling frustrated, fearful and filled with more questions than before! We can help teach them how to hear from God. Anxious to be independent as fast as I could, learning to drive was so exciting for me! When my mom compared a streetlight with hearing from God, I listened. Try this explanation with your child as well. You can open the door for a great conversation on your next road trip or errand to the store: Heading somewhere new, your eyes …


Teaching Your Child to Hear the Voice of God

Anxious to be independent? I couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel in high-school. Learning to drive meant I no longer had to wait on my parents to take me where I wanted to go. Always in a hurry, not willing to miss a single thing, having keys meant having control. For most teens, middle school and high school is a time of hormone-crazed emotions mixed with future-impacting decisions. If we haven’t already, these years are a great time to begin helping our kids learn the importance of seeking God’s direction. Even if we ourselves are just learning to consult …
