Why Every Mom Needs to Know She’s Being Watched

Several summers ago, my salsa jar sprouted eyes. The googly kind, of course. So did my milk jug, tissue boxes, egg carton and toothpaste tubes. Don’t worry, those wobbly watchers didn’t leave me frightened or flabbergasted. After all, the strange surveillance gig was my idea. I’m the one who dug through a box of craft supplies early one morning and located a stash of googly eyes. I’m the one who snuck through the house with a glue gun and attached those wobbly watchers to anything I could find. I didn’t add a pair of eyes to the salsa jar because I wanted …


Fill Your Mind with Him

“Fill your mind with the thought that God is there.  And once your mind is truly filled with that thought, when you experience difficulties it will be as easy as breathing for you to remember, my heavenly Father knows all about this.  Therefore, you can rest in perfect confidence in Him.” –Oswald Chambers I found this quote many years ago and it has remained one of my most favorite quotes.  As a mom when I am going about my day, doing what moms do, I often find myself sinking into a hole of pity and despair.  Life is overwhelming. Kids …
