3 Things a Mom Must Do to Find Balance

We all know pictures can tell a thousand words, but this one just jumped off the page as if to say, “This is your life.” Here in my hometown the circus comes around every January and puts on the greatest show on earth. Everything from contortionists to clowns to wild animal acts to magic shows. But the ones that capture my attention more than anything else are those that require balance. The trapeze, high wire, plate spinning and juggling acts were mesmerizing. How could they possibly sit on a chair perched on a rope while balancing a canoe on their …


3 Ways to Become Organized and Save Money Today

By Erin Bishop Summer vacation is over at my house and I’m guessing yours, too. This means earlier bedtimes, homework, school lunches, soccer and lots of time in the car shuttling kids back and forth. It can get pretty exhausting. My kids (fourth and tenth grade) go to different schools at different times, and though I am a stay at home wife and mother, I do work at home running my ministry, so my days are fairly busy. For me, organization and routine is key. Having meals planned in advance, keeping quick school lunch items and after school snacks on …


5 Simple Ways To Approach Home Organization

While every parent has different levels of comfort in regards to home organization, when the house is in continual disarray, hearts tend to experience the same. Prov. 28:2b “…a man of understanding and knowledge will obtain order.” Recently, a pastor friend described to me the homes that he visits, where the lack of organization affects the family heavily.  They can’t find the items they need for daily functioning and this causes punctuality problems.  The tardiness then causes extra phone calls for parents to answer or return.  The cycle continues resulting in additional work.  Many times the family wants to change, …
