The End of the World?

IT LOOKS REALLY, REALLY BAD Once again we turn on the media and hear a new spin of an old tale, “This is it! The end of the world is here! The end of the Mayan calendar will abruptly bring all life to a sudden end!”    SPECIAL, SECRET KNOWLEDGE Can this prophecy known by the Mayans, media, and select scientists be trusted?  How do we comfort our children when they are hearing things that make our own stomach swim? Where can we find reliable, time proven truth to tell us exactly what the end looks like? MAYAN PROPHECY VS BIBLICAL …

Hurrican Sandy Map Power Outages

Talking to kids about the Storm

You could pull the curtains and claim it’s sunny, but more than 1/3 of the United States will experience Hurricane Sandy first-hand. Anxiety surfaces for some children, and questions arise for others, but all young minds do some mental filing and processing as this “Superstorm” strikes the East coast of the United States. Don’t be fooled; they’re thinking about more than lost Halloween candy. How do you talk to kids about a storm? What God says about the storm God’s word is not silent about storms. This opens the door for moms to use natural questions, to help children understand …


Misunderstood Momma

* A flask of gunpowder and a bag of bullets were absent from this quick-draw-duel with my four-year-old son. One child stood alongside me in the elevator nice and happy. The other stood determined on the outside not about to get in. His glare along with his high-pitched voice screamed his defiance as he stood his ground. He had been testing my authority all morning and saw this as yet another opportunity. Time stopped as the showdown began. Who would win this battle of the wills?  As my mouth told him to get in, my brain cried out a prayer that this time he …


In my weakness…

I was a new mom trying to nurse my daughter and she wasn’t latching on. On the verge of tears, I wasn’t helping the situation by getting discouraged. My husband Mike tried to encourage me, while I tried to remember what the nurse told us… It wasn’t supposed to be this complicated, was it? God, please help, I prayed. Pleeease help this to work… How could something so natural be so hard? Worry started to set in and I wondered how things would turn out. What if it doesn’t work? What if I can’t do this? Here I’d been a mom …


Creating Problems in Your Mind

Being a quiet person doesn’t always have the best benefits. The absence of sound coming out of my mouth means that there is sometimes a lot of chatter going on in my head. I had to apologize to my oldest daughter for passing that ugly trait on! She told me, “NOW I see where I get it from! I over-think situations and start to become worried or doubtful.” Its sad to say that I’ve probably done her so much more damage than either one of us ever thought would happen! There is a tendency to over-process EVERYTHING. The next thing …


Forbidden Grief

  My children, husband and I were eager to share our lives with another brother or sister during my third pregnancy. Then without warning, our eagerness turned to devastation. Our twenty-week sonogram showed that my unborn son had Trisomy 18. We were told by all the professionals that the best thing we could do would be to terminate our pregnancy. That is when the pressure to abort began. The doctor visits and phone calls to my home were constantly persuading me to end my pregnancy.   Well meaning family members also assured me to listen to the doctors. The pressure was …


Facing our Fears

What’s a mom to do when her child who never minded being passed around a room of eager relatives freaks out at the sound of a flushing toilet? Are childhood anxieties real? The day my four year old screamed from the back of our mini-van in the Hobby Lobby parking lot, I hoped everyone around me believed childhood worries are real. Fears are not because of anything moms do wrong; childhood fears are part of being a child. Instead of finding the quickest way to squelch a panic, a wise mom knows fears are not only normal, they are the …


Expecting Stretch Marks

During the 40 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s body does things she never imagined it could do. It begs for us to use the word “miracle” to describe the whole, amazing process. When our skin stretches more than it’s happy to, reddish or purplish marks develop that remind me of childhood poison ivy moments, minus the scratching. Primarily due to heredity, stretch marks may appear on your stomach, chest, or behind, anywhere the body is doing the miraculous work of growing to accommodate carrying and bearing new life. They appear gradually, so you may not even notice them at first …


40 Weeks of Growing Trust

The test stick turns pink, and suddenly your whole world changes. Within days you may start to feel your body change, and new thoughts cross your mind that you never considered before.  How will life change professionally, intimately, financially, and physically? With the passing of each day on the calendar, you may feel like time is running out to get a firm hold on the coming addition to your family and the changes to your world.  Forty weeks will pass faster than you think, and the urge to be in control may grow right along with the size of your …


It’s Scary Being a Mom

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals and mommas don’t automatically know what to do. Are you surprised by that? I remember the day I first brought my newborn baby boy home. I was so awed by that sweet little bundle of humanity that I could barely speak. But my over-joyed heart quickly transformed into an overwhelmed flood of fear when I realized the responsibility that came with that 7 pound 14 ounce treasure of pure pleasure. All I could think is, “What am I going to do with him now?” “What if something goes wrong?” “What if he cries and I don’t …
