It’s Scary Being a Mom

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Babies don’t come with instruction manuals and mommas don’t automatically know what to do. Are you surprised by that?

I remember the day I first brought my newborn baby boy home. I was so awed by that sweet little bundle of humanity that I could barely speak. But my over-joyed heart quickly transformed into an overwhelmed flood of fear when I realized the responsibility that came with that 7 pound 14 ounce treasure of pure pleasure.

All I could think is, “What am I going to do with him now?” “What if something goes wrong?” “What if he cries and I don’t know why?” “How will I know if he gets enough to eat when I breatfeed him?” “Will he be a good baby?” “What do I do if I can’t get him to sleep?” “How much sleep is enough?” “What? When? How? Why? What if?” The uncertainty seemed endless!

Every question sent my heart on a wild goose chase and left me more afraid than before.

Whether you’re still carrying that sweet little baby in your womb or in your arms, he still leaves you with lots of questions and not so many answers.

So, where do you go when you don’t know what to do? Do you have a support system in place? Family? Friends? A neighbor? A mentor?

Well, whether you are in the company of plenty of help or you feel like you’re in this journey alone, we want you to know that we are hear to help. We’re moms who have been there with our knees knocking and hearts pounding while visions of questions danced in our heads.

We all know it’s scary being a mom!

Each M.O.M. here has been where you are and longs to encourage you on your journey! We are moms on a mission and we love helping you be the best mom you can be.

Each M.O.M. here can teach you from her own mistakes as well as from her successes. We’ve all looked back and wished we could have done some things differently and we’re here to help you avoid making some of the mistakes we made.

God deems your role as a mother as very valuable. He chose this path of motherhood for you. And while it may be a bit scary at times, there’s a special joy that comes with being a mom. The Bible says, “He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother.” (Psalm 113:9)

And your precious child is a Divine design…carefully crafted by the Creator of the universe and you are purposefully part of that precious baby’s future. “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)

You’re going to do fine, sweet mom! Just be sure to ask for help in your journey as a mom. It’s okay that you don’t know all the answers. It’s normal to be a bit afraid. That’s why The M.O.M. Initiative exists. Because we know what it’s like and we’re here to help!

What are your greatest fears about having a baby or about being a new mom?

Stephanie Shott
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