A Story Like Yours… or Maybe Not ~ But a God Who Makes Beauty Out of Ashes…OH…and a Conference You Just Can’t Miss!

Hey you. Yeah. You! The one who may have had a rough day, a bad past, or are feeling a little lost in this great big wide world. I want to share a bit of my heart with you about what God has brought me from and what God has brought me to. It’s not a rags to riches story…but is is beauty from ashes story. It’s a story about a girl…a girl whose story might be like yours…or maybe not. But it’s about a God who is really good at making beauty out of ashes. It’s a story about …


Gathering in with Those You Love

Today, we have the privilege of having a sweet sister in Christ, LeAnn Rice share about the beauty and joy of gathering with those you love. Her new book, The Loving Kitchen has just been released and it’s a MUST HAVE for every woman who longs for her home to be the place where memories are made and her children will linger even when they are adults.   By: LeAnn Rice No matter what you’ve done for yourself or for humanity, if you can’t look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished? …


5 Ways to Assure that Your Kids Will Rebel

It’s a lie. Not every child rebels when they hit that magical age of 13. But some do. In fact, statistics tell us that the majority of kids rebel in one way or another. There are so many physical, emotional, hormonal and social changes that take place during those very crucial years that there are bound to be times when they balk at the boundaries their parents place on them.  But resistance doesn’t have to become rebellion.  Parents have the opportunities to sow seeds in their children’s heart, and to cultivate an environment that fosters faith, integrity, responsibility, morals and wisdom, …


The “UNPLUGGED SUNDAY” Family Challenge

Recently, my hubby and I headed to Chili’s after church. As I stood in the restaurant waiting to be seated, I noticed a young family sitting in the waiting area. The mom and dad were busy text messaging or checking their latest Facebook status while the daughter, who was sandwiched between them, slouched down with a very exasperated look on her face.  Sunday. The day we take our families to church and we worship the risen King, the Savior of the world, the Great I AM. The day we gather together with our forever family to sing praises to His name, …


Which One Do You Like Best?

 Sooooo… I received the videos for the book trailer for The Making of a Mom and would LOVE YOUR OPINION! Could you help me decide which of the videos I need to use on the website? If so, I’d love to know…  Which one do you like best? And why? Are you a ministry leader? Or a mom?  What would you add or what would you like to know more about The Making of a Mom?   Please click this link if you are unable to view the video.   Please click this link if you are unable to view the …


Because Being a Grandma Rocks

I never had one, but I am one now. A grandma! Yup! It’s not something I thought about much in between baseball practice and guitar lessons with my two little guys. But my boys are now men and they have lives of their own. Today, our life is a far cry from the crazy loud lives we enjoyed with two rambunctious boys, an unending to-do list, and little time for rest.  But here we are, Abuela and Papa. Our nest is empty but our hearts and arms are still full. And being a grandma is sawweeeeet! It’s not just that you …


For Moms ~ When Spring Is in the Air (with FREE Printables)

JUST a couple weeks away! Yes…I’m counting days! Thirteen more days until Daylight Savings Time and twenty-two until Spring… and I. Can’t. Wait! The thought of the warm weather puts a pep in my step and a smile on my heart! It’s a time for sunshine, lemonade, Spring cleaning, garage sales, play days at the park, sand castles on the beach, tubing in the river, little league, snow cones, and countless creative things to do with the fam! Soooo…I was just wondering… Does this time of year make your momma heart as happy as it does mine?  FOR MOMS: Today, I …


5 Secrets of an Organized Working Mom

Remember the days before kids? We curled up on the couch in the evening with our handsome hubby’s, talking for hours-hours-about future plans and dreams. We would watch a few shows, maybe take a long hot bath before crawling under fresh sheets for a good night’s rest, only to get up, go to work, have adult conversations and repeat the process all over again, wondering when the adventures of motherhood would begin.  Well my friends–the adventures in mothering have arrived on top of working  and we’re all throwing snarky glances at kid-less women in your office space. Relax mom, say a quick …


EXCITING NEWS from The M.O.M. Initiative for YOU!

It was in a gas station parking lot when the vision for The M.O.M. Initiative and The Making of a Mom was conceived. As I sat and watched a very pregnant teen girl walk by and light up a cigarette, I reflected on my teen pregnancy and how motherhood was like a messy experiment for me and how my kids ended up being the guinea pigs. And how I thought I was ready but didn’t have a clue. I couldn’t help but wonder if she understood the significance of her newfound roll. Did she understand that everything she now did would affect …


How Christmas Means New Beginnings for Moms, Mentors and Ministry Leaders

In two more days, we will be celebrating the most momentous moment in history. God became a man, dwelt among us, and with a relentless love, He came to a cradle, but His goal was the cross. All for you and all for me. So that we could have a new start in life. A new beginning. I remember my first Christmas after I became a Christian. It was the first time I really got it! The first time I understood what Christmas was about. It’s a chance for new beginnings. A fresh start. Free from sin, free from self, …
