A Peculiar People

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There is something entirely intriguing about a show like Antiques Roadshow. People bring trinkets to very large items of furniture to have them evaluated by a professional, who will attribute a value to it. The best part is when someone comes in, unsuspecting–but you can tell they are hopeful–to find that the item they brought was very valuable indeed. Oh the joy of finding value in what we own!

The biggest challenge with the value is its restorative qualities. Has it been refinished? Were the original craftsman’s techniques used? The type of glue or fabric will even contribute to value that could be quickly lost by an unprofessional job.

What about hidden value? Let’s say that it was sealed by the maker to show its authenticity. That makes it even more valuable! To have Ben Franklin’s desk and a letter written by Ben inside the desk increases the value even more–pairing the desk made by Ben Franklin and his writing and signature. The value goes through the roof!

Our value goes beyond even that very valuable desk. Let’s say that we are standing in line. All we have brought is ourselves–our varied and unique selves. One by one, our Creator looks upon us and says, invaluable. The value placed on each of our heads is beyond estimation. To purchase us would require perfection.

So He sent His Son, Jesus. His perfect, spilt blood on the cross redeemed each one of us, who believes in Him. We are sealed by our Maker, through His Holy Spirit, and His letter is written on our hearts. He calls us treasured possessions.

God’s restoration techniques are beyond compare. For our Creator comes to us–broken and marred–and as the expert Craftsman, He makes us new. Not like new–no, we are not made almost new. We are made new.

Let’s explore a few verses that have been stirring in my heart this week. There are treasures to be discovered. They are of the life-changing kind.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Create is the word bara, which means to create, qualified, to cut down and select wood, the process of preparing food to feed, choosing, dispatching and making fat. God comes to us, having created us in His own image, and makes us a new creation–a wonderful masterpiece.
He cleans us, so that we are bright and pure. Our purity is expressed in every way–physically, chemically, ceremonially, and morally pure. Our heart is a combination of our feelings, will, intellect and wisdom–the center of who we are. To the very core of us, we are made pure through and through.

Renew is the word chadash, and it expresses a fresh, new thing. Our Creator breathes a sensible exhalation upon us to make us stand straight up. He confirms, directs, fastens, renders, stabilizes and in faithfulness, God causes us to firmly be established.

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10 (Amplified)

For a puny amount of time, just briefly, perhaps even a season, God says you will experience a painful sensation or feeling– a vexing, passionate suffering. After that time, God will take you in your brokenness and mend you to make you perfect.

He will lay your foundation and settle you. He will increase your strength and vigor, building you up in both spiritual knowledge and power. The LORD will cause you to stand in covenant power. He will turn you resolutely in the right direction, setting your feet fast, confirming you as His own.

You are His precious treasure–crowned with glory, made to walk in the newness of your life. In 1 Peter 2:9, He even calls us a peculiar people. What does that mean?

Peculiar comes from two Greek words: peripoiesis and eis. Peripoiesis means that you are an acquisition that by extension is a preservation–you are obtained, purchased and bought from His savings. Eis indicates the point reached at a certain place, time and purpose–far more exceeding for intent and purpose that is in motion.

Do you understand what that means? Consider this: You and I are on the auction block, waiting for someone to come to purchase us and call us valuable. Then, the God of all Creation, stands up and says, “I will give you everything I have through my Son, Jesus. I have a purpose for that one. She is priceless to me, of inestimable value. His perfect blood will be the price to make her perfect.”

The LORD has restorative plans in mind for you and for me. It will take a little while. It may be painful. But He will do it right–no corners cut, no quick fix. Then He will set you forth in motion to carry out His purpose–the purpose He had for you since before the beginning of time.
So Peculiar One, are you ready to walk steadfastly with His purpose?

Stephanie Shott
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