Feasting on God’s Word

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“I don’t like food; I LOVE it. If I don’t love it, I don’t swallow!” 

-Anton Ego Ratatouille

I am not as fastidious as Anton Ego and his love for good food. But I have noticed something about my appetite. The more I eat healthy food and drink water, the more I want healthy food and the less allure junk food holds. However, the more I eat junk the more I crave junk.

And it isn’t only true in my physical appetites. It is true in how I treat the Word of God. When I get by on a steady diet of grab a verse here and read a verse there I don’t even realize I am missing something that would be more satisfying, something more nutritious. I convince myself that something is better than nothing – and perhaps there are short seasons in life that this is true. But I miss out on the feast that awaits me. Instead, I fill my time with Facebook posts or Twitter quotes that tantalize my taste buds, stroke my ego, and convince me I am doing God’s work, and I walk away.

I walk away malnourished, but bloated and full of myself, not God. I am comfortable with who I think God is rather than fear a God who is beyond comprehension and is more powerful and more holy than I could imagine. And yet, He is also more loving and full of grace than I could possibly understand.

So how can we feast on God’s Word?

  1. Make time. Set our alarm clocks thirty minutes earlier. Use a lunch break or nap time to read God’s Word. Maybe cut back on T.V. time or Internet surfing time.
  2. Focus. So often our brains are focused on negative things or our emotions. Instead if we would focus our minds on God’s Word we can really digest and feast on it. How does that work? As you are driving instead of getting upset at the car driving slow in front of you work on memorizing Scripture. In the shower focus on the passage you read earlier in the morning or the night before. When your kids argue remind them that God’s Word speaks to how we are to handle disagreements. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31 (NIV)
  3. Invest in Study Tools. There are myriads of tools to help you study God’s Word. Consider Living by the Book, How to Study Your Bible, or any number of free resources from Bible Gateway.
  4. Pray. There are times when my appetite is for anything but God’s Word. And I have to pray that God gives me a true hunger for His Word. That through the Holy Spirit the Bible will come alive to me.

Father God, give us a true hunger for Your Word. May we be women who truly feast on Your Word. As we are nourished by Your Word, help us to be women who love You so well that we make it our mission to love others well in Your Name. And as we love others well in Your Name, may many come to know Jesus as our Savior and Lord. All for Your glory and honor. Amen.

How do you find time to feast on God’s word?

Stephanie Shott
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