A Mother’s Speech

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Oh! Be careful little mouth, lips, tongue what you say. For the father up above is looking down in love.

I remember singing this song as a child.

There was a season in my life when I wasn’t closely connected to God.

I had wandered from worship, fellowship and intimate time spent daily in God’s Word.

I became self-centered instead of God centered.

How do I know?

My vocabulary changed. 

Things I thought I would NEVER say started escaping from my lips.

My attitude was NOT gratitude.

I was stopped short when what I said was repeated by my young grandson and it wasn’t pretty!

Our children watch us – what we do and what we say.

I have discovered three important lessons to consider how our speech influences our children.

Our words should be GENTLY SHARED.

Words that are wise, compassionate and caring encourage our children in their walk with the Lord. Build them up! It could lead to their salvation.

I Peter 3:15 – “Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect.”

How can we be a mom of wise words?

  1. Listen Lovingly
  2. Answer Honestly
  3. Offer Hope
  4. Show Sincere Concern
  5. Be Considerate.

Our words should be GODLY SEASONED.

There is power and guidance in God’s Word. When we discover what the Bible says about being wise – it can be life changing for us and our children.

How do we as busy moms receive Godly instruction?

  1. Pursue God with Your Whole Heart.
  2. Give Him First Place in Your Life.
  3. Abide in His Word Daily.
  4. Commit to Prayer.

Our words should be GRACIOUSLY SPOKEN.

What we say and how we say it makes a difference!

Ephesians 4:29 – Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Why is it important to become moms that graciously say what we mean?

  1. God commanded it in scripture. Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 4:32.
  2. It shows our children what being a godly mom is all about. Titus 2:3; I Timothy 5:10.
  3. It blesses our children. Proverbs 31:10-31.
  4. It brings honor to God. I Corinthians 10:30.

What do your words say about you?

As the melody of the little tune above lingers in your mind today may the words from your lips be what GOD has placed in your heart to bless your children.

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Beth Bergren, founder of At Mom’s Table, a TMI Mentor Mom, speaker, teacher, writer and friend. Her passion is to mentor women in the areas of Practical Living (Homemaking Skills) and Intentional Life (Biblical Womanhood). Beth is a culinary instructor and educator teaching in community, school and church programs helping busy moms, parents, working women, and seniors teaching the benefits of mealtime management. As a lover of God’s Word (the Bible), she delights in helping women discover the value of becoming a godly woman by digging into scripture for daily guidance and wisdom. Check out her website: www.bethbergren.com and sign up for her weekly homemaking blog: www.bethbergren.blogspot.com to connect with Beth.

Stephanie Shott
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