How Not to Be a Scrooge This Christmas

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And the winner of Amy Carroll’s new book, Breaking Up with Perfect AND a copy of The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, is…. TERESA! Teresa, please email us at and let us know where to send your books! AND…CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Okay… so some of us struggle with being a bit of a SCROOGE this time of year. When the lines get long at Walmart or at the grocery store, it can be tough to hold your patience and keep your JESUS.

So, for all you scrooges out there, here’s a few tips to keep you straight:

1.  Take a deep breath and call on Jesus for patience.

2. Pray for the cashier or the rude person in front of you in line. Really! Pray for them right there, even if you only do it under your own breath.

3. Remember this verse, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Phillipians 4:8 ESV)

This scripture goes a long way to remind us to control out thinking habits and keep our thoughts on what is pure and good.

4. Don’t procrastinate with errands and all the things we have to do this time of the year, sweet mama. Get your shopping and preparations done early. You won’t feel so rushed and you may actually feel the JOY of Christmas when you are not in a hurry.

5. Don’t forget to make time for Jesus each day in your prayers and Bible reading. Focus on His birth and the beauty and majesty of it all! He will ease your anxiety and calm your fears. I promise!

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Merry Christmas!

Be Blessed,



Stephanie Shott
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