Pointing Our Children to Jesus This Season

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God gave us the best gift in Jesus Christ. Sometimes I think we miss it. We miss the Gift. We miss Him, forgetting to point our children to Jesus. Rather, we get caught up in the gifts we want to give and get this year–the best one ever to fill up perceived needs. Commercialism has sold us a bill of goods that tells us we must give our children what they want, what they ask for or they will be scarred for life.

Well, I can tell you truly. We have gone several years NOT getting them what they asked for, and they are well-rounded, whole and happy children.

It wasn’t that we wanted to be mean or ignore their pleas for those treasured things of their heart. We just could not.  I daresay, if we could have, we would have–without thinking. But then? We would have missed the blessing of thankful children.

God has had our family on a journey this year. We moved from Colorado to Texas–without a job and with about 1/4 of our belongings, including our Christmas boxes. It has forced us to come up with some new Christmas traditions and homemade decorations. It has challenged us to rely on the Lord in new ways.

For we say He will provide, but we will go out of our way to make sure that WE get what we want in our own strength. And surely in our timing, right? We strive, so He doesn’t get the opportunity to provide. It’s a hard lesson: laying aside self-sufficiency and believing that God not only knows what we need, but He is able to provide it.

We point our children to Jesus, by letting God display His works in our homes and lives–without our helping Him along.

We gaze on the Savior in the manger, who came as the payment for all our sins–all we have done, are doing and will do.  This gift in the manger came to stand in our place, take our penalty for good and present us as spotless, righteous ones before God.  When we gaze upon Jesus and see Him, as the One and Only Messiah, we can only bow in worship and thanksgiving.

To take material things and strive to purchase them for our children, even going into debt for these gifts, we show our children that Jesus PLUS something is enough.  And that is just not so.  

We point our children to Jesus by teaching them that Jesus plus nothing is fully enough.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t celebrate and express celebration over the birth of Jesus by giving gifts. I LOVE to buy gifts and make gifts! Such an expression of love is good and right. The deviation comes when we get a skewed focus thinking, “This Christmas will be the best ever, because we spent a lot of money, got them all the gifts on their list and took them on a long-awaited trip.” That doesn’t make it the best Christmas ever. What makes it the best Christmas is simply this: they not only gazed upon the gift of Jesus, but they received Him as the gift.

People will never be enough. Circumstances will never fulfill our deepest needs. Stuff will never fill our insatiable desires. They ALL fall short.

Finally, we point our children to Jesus by multiplying the gifts He sends our way.

This Christmas, we are living by faith….trusting God to provide it all, believing that Jesus is the best gift and getting away from the rote and repetition that comes with traditions that have always been. We are in a new place! We do not have our Christmas boxes, filled with what we have always used to make it feel like Christmas–ornaments, decorations, cookie cutters, Advent calendar, puzzles, books, etc. We are walking in a new place, and we want to make sure that we are intentional to tell what Jesus has done for us here in this place and to pour forth from what we have.

For instance, this past weekend we went on a Christmas lights scavenger hunt. We listened to Christmas music and did a progressive dinner (going to various places for one kind of food). When we arrived home, we were happy and tired. We stopped to check the mail, since it arrives later here. Some of our old and dear friends sent us a Christmas card with not one, but two gift cards wishing our family a Merry Christmas. We have decided that from that gift, we want to give some to an Angel Tree girl that our son’s class is sponsoring. We are blessed to bless!

We are teaching our children to live with open-hands, eyes to see, ears to hear and minds that comprehend that every good and perfect gift comes from God alone.  He gives the best gifts, truly.  And we cannot out-give Him. We have tested Him in this over and over.

Blessings, dear Mamas!

Stephanie Shott
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