Lessons I Learned from a Toilet Bowl

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I’ll never forget the day I realized how even the smallest, most menial things we do are to be done unto the Lord… and that we can actually glorify God in the midst of them. 

I was bending over the toilet with the scrub brush in one hand and a can of Comet in the other hand and wondering what in the world I was doing with my life.

My days were filled with cooking, cleaning, homeschooling my sons and helping out in the nursery at church.

I felt as though nothing I did was really of any significance.

Have you ever felt like that?

It was there, leaning over the toilet bowl as I swiftly scrubbed the sides of that thing when Colossians 3:23 took on a whole new meaning for me. “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (NLT)

I realized for the first time that I could actually clean toilets for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 echoes that same truth… 

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Seriously! We can even clean toilets, do dishes, and a million and one other menial tasks to the glory of God.

That was a monumental moment of discovery of me!

A heavenly lightbulb went on and I realized that I could either glorify God in the little things and find meaning in the menial or I could continue to feel frustrated by the frivolous and wonder if I was ever going to be able to do something that really mattered.

It really was all about my heart, my motives, and my perspective.

It’s really easy to feel insignificant in the dailies of our lives. But God’s work isn’t only done through messages, ministries or the mission field.

God’s work is often demonstrated best where no applause, pay or pat on the back is given. In the menial and mundane.

It is there, in the obscure and secret places of our lives, where the work is quietly done and hidden from view, that God’s glory sometimes shines the brightest and His saints reflect Him best.

No accolades. No fan fair. No compliments. No recognition.

Just a masterpiece of God doing what a masterpiece does best...being a beautiful display of the Artist.

So, sweet friend, the next time you think what you are doing is insignificant…do it unto the Lord…do it for His glory…and even the most mundane task will take on a divine purpose to the praise and honor of the Living God.

QUESTION: What are you struggling with today that may seem mundane? Have you ever felt that what you were doing was insignificant? Has this post encouraged you?


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If you are interested in having me come speak at your next event to share a message about mentoring, how you can begin a MOM Group or one of my other speaking topics, please feel free to contact me by clicking this link.

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Stephanie Shott
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