Are You Kidding? 4 Organization Tips to Keep You Sane

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“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, PEACE, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…” Galatians 5:22-23.

Lauren, my daughter, looked across the kitchen as I unloaded the dishwasher one morning. Instead of putting the dishes in the cabinets, I set them on the table for dinner.

“Are you kidding?” she laughed. “Mom, you really do things ahead of time.”

For a few months several years ago, Lauren, her husband, and two young boys stayed with us while they house shopped. During that time, Lauren got a bird’s eye view of the organization tips that kept me sane when she and her brother were school age. 

You may agree with Lauren that I did things a “little ahead of time.” BUT, it worked for me and it might work for you. Before you decide, ask yourself:

  • Do I feel rushed on school mornings?
  • Do I find myself angry because so much is piled up for me to do?
  • Do I know what Galatians 5:22-23 says about being filled with “love, joy, peace, patience,” but find them on my wish list rather than on my heart?

I understand. I remember the day that I “lost it” with my kids. Guilt overwhelmed me. I realized that I could pray a thousands times, “Lord, fill me with Your Spirit. Give me Your peace and patience with my kids.”

But, if I wasn’t getting enough sleep, I was asking God to do something for which my body wasn’t created: function with too little sleep. (7 BENEFITS OF A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP) Why is sleep illusive? Often because we’re not organized. Get a little more organized and you’ll get a little more sleep. Get a little more sleep and you’ll be a little more peaceful, patient mom.

4 Organization Tips to Keep You Sane

Steps for Getting it Together: Do it NOW.  Do it the NIGHT BEFORE

Loading the Dishwasher

Loading/unloading the dishwasher takes time. So, cut out unnecessary steps. See that cereal bowl you just rinsed that you’re about to put in the dishwasher and take out the next morning? It’s clean. You’ve already run it under the hot water with a sudsy sponge. Save yourself some time. Grab the dishtowel, dry it, and set it on the counter for cereal in the morning. You’ve eliminated unnecessary steps.

UNloading the Dishwasher

Stop. Don’t put the plates, spoons, and glasses in the cabinet. Aren’t you going to pull them out for the next meal? Instead, set them on the table or counter. You’re ahead of the game. Add the napkin and the table is set!

Making the Bed 

You may think the bed has to be perfectly made and that will take time; therefore you’ll do it later.  But, chances are the unmade bed may become another item on your long “to do” list.  Instead, eliminate it.  While getting out of bed, throw the covers toward the headboard. Chunk the decorative pillows on the bed in a swift move on your steps to the bathroom. Voila! Bed made. Maybe not perfectly made, but off your “to do” list. 

Prevent Homework and Special Project Surprises

Have you ever passed the grocery store, arrived home, gotten little one out of their car seat, everyone settled, only to have your five year old announce, “I’m supposed to take cupcakes tomorrow.” Not fun! Fuming, you load the kids back in the car, asking, “Why didn’t you tell me on the way home?”

Rather than repeat this situation more times than you’d like, use drive home time to visit with your child rather than chat on your cell phone. Talk to your children about their day. Ask them, “What’s up for tomorrow? Any field trips? Are you having a party? Does mommy need to stop by the store? What did your teacher ask you to bring?” Look through their folder before you arrive home. Save yourself time and exasperation. 

Getting it together begins with you but will flow to your children. A few time savers will give you a few more minutes in bed. A more rested you can then pray, “Lord, fill me with Your love, joy, peace, patience,” and He will. I’m not kidding.  

Which of the above time savers might work for you?

Are you aware that God wants to help you? You have an outside source of love, joy, peace, and patience through the Holy Spirit.

Pray and ask God to fill you with His Spirit each morning. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and the peace that You give us. Help us be wise and care for our bodies so we can respond to Your promptings. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

In Christ’s Love, Debbie

by Debbie Taylor Williams

by Debbie Taylor Williams 


Use KIDZ TIME with your kids for a fun, quick morning devotional. Set it up the night before and viola! Send your kids out the door blessed. For 3-7 year olds. 

READ MORE by Debbie Taylor Williams:  * Marriage & Parenting Tips   * The PLAN A MOM in a PLAN B WORLD


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