Happy Mother’s Day! And here are the 5 winners of MOM Week!

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MOM Mother's Day 4

Today, we celebrate YOU!

To all you precious moms who have embraced the sacred call to mold the hearts of your children with the kind of momma love that leaves imprints on their hearts.

You who love unconditionally, passionately, deeply and relentlessly.

You who kiss boo-boos, hem pants, make meals, organize your home, play taxi driver for your kids, run errands, help with homework, wash that endless pile of dishes and that mounting mount of laundry.

You whose heart aches when your children’s hearts hurt and you whose heart silently smiles with every one of those little victories in your children’s lives.

You are a mom and there’s nothing better, no role greater, no calling more important than being exactly what you are.

Don’t let the little things make you feel little. 

You are significant – in a mountain-size big-kind-of way significant.

You are big! Those precious little eyes peeking up at you right now… yeah, the ones that bring tears to your heart… they see you as big – huge – the one they depend on – the one they need – the one they love.

You are the one who loves them like no one else will – like no one else can.

You are a mom. And that’s the most sacred and significant calling on the planet.

Happy Mother’s Day mom! 

We are here to help you in your mom journey… to let you know you’re not alone. That’s why The MOM Initiative exists. For you!

And today… The MOM Initiative celebrates you!

Now… go ENJOY your day and let your children make you smile! 

And as a way to celebrate you… we want to announce the winners of MOM Week!

And the winners are…

1. Shelly Dermody (you are a winner of a book by Liz Curtis Higgs – Bad Girls of the Bible or The Girl’s Still Got It)

2. Amber Chapais (you are the winner of a book by Sharon Jaynes – Being a Great Mom, Raising Great Kids or The Power of a Woman’s Words)

3. Cherrie Mendendorp (you are the winner of a book by Rhonda Rhea – Espresso Your Faith or How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person)

4. Jamie Bates (you are the winner of a book by Pam Farrel – Red Hot Monogamy or The 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make)

5. Trisha Freitag (you are a winner of a book by Kathy Howard – Embraced by Holiness or Fed Up With Flat Faith)

A big CONGRATULATIONS to each of you! Be sure to email me at info@themominitiative.com and let me know where to send your books! 

Stephanie Shott
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