A Cleaning Plan for the Cleaning Inept

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I am not so great at keeping my house clean or organized.

I want to have a clean and organized house, but things get in the way – things like children, my husband, our dogs, homeschool, and my classes.

I am told that creative folks struggle with organization. That sounds like a good excuse too. I have even been known to blame my twin. She is more organized than two people need to be, and so I think she stole my organizing gene in the womb.

Honestly, cleaning and organizing can feel overwhelming! I feel like I will never get it done. And in my perfectionistic mind, if I can’t do it right, I can’t do it at all.

However, I have recently sat down and made a plan. When I follow it fairly closely, it goes well. This plan is my synthesis of numerous cleaning plans. Please don’t think my house is perfect. It isn’t. But I no longer feel overwhelmed by working on it.

It is manageable and everyone knows what is expected of them. These lists hang on my refrigerator in page protectors to keep them clean. Below is the system I created. If you are interested in it, print it out and see if it works for you. If not, adjust it to make it work for you. Then give yourself grace when one especially crazy week happens, and you don’t get everything done. But get back in the saddle and try again.


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Are you good at keeping your house clean and including your kids in the work? If so, share what you do. Please. I could still use some help.

Stephanie Shott
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