Letting Go is Hard to Do

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 letting go

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:8 ESV)

From the moment of giving birth, the hard process of letting go begins.

I remember when my son was first born not wanting to let him out of my sight. I would drag the car seat into the bathroom when I needed to take a shower, and constantly risk soaking the throw rug by peering around the curtain to make sure he was okay. I was certain that the moment I left him alone he would start crying, stop breathing or just need my help.

As my journey of motherhood continued, I was forced to learn the lesson of trusting God. No matter how hard I tried, I was not able to be everywhere and do everything for my children, though I wore myself out trying during those first years. Little by little, as each new child came, I was forced to loosen my grip a little more and allow them each the freedom to make mistakes and learn on their own.

When they reached school age, I entrusted them to other teachers who could take them farther in their education than I could. As they grew older, I gave them opportunities to stay home alone for short period of times. And when they reached sixteen, I handed them the car keys and entrusted them with the responsibility of driving carefully and safely. Yikes!!

Letting go is hard to do, but thankfully as moms we have recourse. While letting our children go physically, we can hold on tightly by pouring our hearts out in prayer for them. The world is a scary place to send youngsters who think they know it all, but whom we know are oblivious to the dangers around every corner. Yet when we can’t be with them every step of the way, the Lord can.

God hears our cries as we release all our fears and concerns for our children to Him. When our hearts are faint with worry, He will be our Rock and our Salvation – a stronghold that cannot be shaken. What safer place for our children to be than wrapped in the protection of our prayers.

So, though letting go is hard to do, loosen your grip, trust in God at all times and release your children into the loving hands of the One who will never let them go. They are always safe there!


Stephanie Shott
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