Let the Education Begin

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Motherhood. We tend to think of this as a season for teaching. We bear the responsibility for a tiny life and for the next 18 years – or more accurately for the rest of our lives – it is our responsibility to guide, correct, and teach these God-given blessings. That’s what I thought anyway.

It didn’t take me very long after giving birth to my first son to realize that the one who was going to do most of the learning was ME! One of my favorite sayings when coming upon a new challenge quickly became, “No one tells you about this before you enter motherhood!”

At first it was very concerning as I realized daily all the things I didn’t know, but over time I have come to embrace the learning process. I now know that I would never be what I am today if it were not for the education that has taken place throughout my years as a mother.

As I began my mom journey, I was encouraged by the Bible verse, “He will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young.” Isaiah 40:11 (AMP)

As I struggled with making decisions; dealing with crying babies; breaking up toddler fights; and knowing how to handle medical crises, homework assignments, and broken hearts, I often felt unprepared. This typically led to times of discouragement and doubt. But when I discovered this verse in Isaiah, I was encouraged to know that I was not alone in the mothering process. The Lord was really the One Who would shepherd my children – and even more than that He would lead me as I led them!

I gave in to the learning process. I recognized that to be a good mother all I have to do is follow the Good Shepherd.

By seeking Him daily through His Word, asking His guidance, and giving myself the freedom to learn through my mistakes, I grew as an individual right along with my children – and I was a lot easier to live with!

Through the years, I have continued to grow because there are always new challenges. And as any woman with children knows, a mother never stops being a mother. It is a journey of learning, leading, and following that lasts a lifetime.

So don’t be discouraged. Make it your priority to follow the Shepherd Who carries the lambs in His arms and gently leads the nursing young. Let the education begin!

Stephanie Shott
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