Expectation: Living with Your Eyes on Christ

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My eight-year-old heart thrummed excitedly inside my chest. My body practically vibrated with excitement. It was Christmas Eve.

Thirty years later I pray my heart will thrum excitedly and my body vibrate with expectation on Christmas Eve as well. This time though I hope my excitement isn’t because of what lies under paper covered packages, but something far better. 


In fact I pray I live all my life expectant – pregnant with the promises of God. Ready to go through the painful labor the Holy Spirit will bring upon me to birth something new ­­– a healed relationship, an adjusted attitude, Spiritual fruit, victory over sin. Today may I live in wonder of the God who came as a babe so He could be God with me – God with all of us. Jesus, the God-man, who lived the sinless life, paid the penalty for sin through His death, and rose again to show victory of sin and death. This Jesus who turned death into victory calls me, a wretched sinner, righteous. And as I live expectant every day looking for God to intersect my life, to grow something new in my heart, to bring His miraculous healing to relationships, hearts, minds, and bodies may I grow more in wonder of His love for me.

Jesus came because of His great love for us. He came because He knew we couldn’t live in right relationship with Him any other way. We can’t secure our relationship with God or earn our relationship with God or build up enough brownie points to be blessed by God. No, God came precisely because we are in desperate need of Him. Though we spit on Him and reviled Him, He came. Though we were His enemies, He came. May we live in wonder of His amazing love and that wonder feed our expectation that God is with us, He has good plans for us, and He will make all things beautiful in His time. 

That expectation may be long in coming (we may not see it fulfilled this side of heaven), but it will not be disappointed.

What are you living in expectation for?

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Stephanie Shott
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